@Savvyhomestead Why not both?
Unlimited first amendment and unlimited second amendment show that the #1789Constitution is hot trash.
#podcast #1789Constitution #TossingGrenadesAtWindmills Bumper for constitution al series I am doing later this year, its great
#Podcast #1789constitution #tossinggrenadesatwindmills
Copyright should be twenty fucking years like it was when the #1789Constitution was written
@froomkin The United States is no linger a democracy and barely a republic
We need a new constitution and the first amendment DOESNT mean anything when Fox News is legal
Are you hungry due to expensive food?
Are you unemployed or under employed?
Are you working long hours for low pay?
Blame a Magalo.
Blame a Centrist.
Blame a Smurf.
Capitalism, Conservatism and Capitulation are why everything in this country is wrong.
Support Unions.
Support Artists.
Support people who actually want to get shit done, not liars.
Support a New Constitution.
#1789Constitution #Politics #Inflation #Magalos #Maga #LyingFreaks #Smurfs #BothSidesAreTheSame #Gas #Food
#1789constitution #politics #inflation #magalos #maga #lyingfreaks #smurfs #bothsidesarethesame #gas #food
Fox News is the reason I now believe in limiting speech. Freedom of Speech for art and beauty and truth sure; even ugly art and brutal criticism of the government.
Fake news, outright lies and propoganda needs to be illegal.. Billionares should not own cable stations, newspapers or have megaphones. Let them bribe politicians on the back end.
You can be an immoral billionare or you can have a megaphone. No one has a right to lie and no one has a right to assault democracy
@sarahc the #1789Constitution needs to be rewritten to acknowledge native rights
While at this point I favor a new constitution, I felt before I made the podcast series I am starting next year; I felt to be an honest broker I had to offer solutions that would work with the broken 1789 constitution. I think a new constitution should also incorporate all these , but the broken 1789 one would do the job.
#Podcast #TossingGrenadesAtWindmills #Politics #1789Constitution #NewConstitution #Police #Courts #Lying #Decentralization
#Podcast #tossinggrenadesatwindmills #politics #1789constitution #newconstitution #police #courts #lying #decentralization