Ile wynosi optymalny rozmiar grupy, zanim pojawia się w niej napięcie powodujące rozpad i zanim potrzebne są formalne prawa?
Dunbar i ekipa po analizie gmin Hutterytów, amerykańskich komin i izraelskich kibuców wyrokuje: 50 lub 150.
#optymalnyrozmiargrupy #liczbadunbara #Dunbar
And how TF am I supposed to empty the rain gauge?
It is really quite cold here in #Dunbar. Not sure how cold, but it is -2°C at Kings Buildings in Edinburgh. (See… )
Rainfall for #Dunbar in #November2022: the sixth wettest month I have recorded since the start of 2020. Most of that rain fell over a few days in the middle of the month. 2022 still in deficit compared to 2020 21. (#loveukweather)
#LoveUKWeather #November2022 #Dunbar
A few days ago I said that #November2022 was looking pretty dry in #Dunbar. ( any more! It is now wetter than the same month in 2020, 2021, and the climatological mean.
Halfway through #November2022 and it has been pretty dry in #Dunbar. Unless the weather gets soggier over the winter, 2023 will be starting off with a hydrological deficit. (No idea if that is what hydrologists call it.)