Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: #KeemBay in the far west on #AchillIsland is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in #Ireland. It is reached via a winding downhill road. It is nestled between 198 m and 450 m high hills and is also used for surfing.
#CelticSoulJourney #KeemBay #AchillIsland #ireland
For a group I`m planning the first Nua-Celtic Soul Journey to #Ireland. Do you have any suggestions for #faery forts or mounds, #magical or #legendary places along the route besides #CroghanHill, #Kildare, #Knockmaa, #Killadangan #Megalitihic Complex, #BohehStone, #AasleaghFalls, #AchillIsland, #RockfleetCastle, #GraceO'Malley'sTowerhouse, #Minaun-Heights, #KeemBay, #Carrowkeel #MegalithicCemetery, #Keshcorran, #Caves-of-Kesh, #Shee #Lugh, #Moytura, #LoughnaSuil, #Labby-Rock, #Eglone-Stone, #HeapstownCairn, #Rathcroghan, #Oweynagat, #CorleaTrackway, Hill of #Uisneach, #ArdaghHill, #KilkennyDruidGrove, #Hill-of-Tara, #Moybolgue, #HillofWard, #Teltown, #Loughcrew, #Ardee, #BoyneValley, #Newgrange, #Knowth ?
#ireland #faery #magical #legendary #CroghanHill #Kildare #Knockmaa #Killadangan #Megalitihic #BohehStone #AasleaghFalls #AchillIsland #RockfleetCastle #GraceO #Minaun #KeemBay #Carrowkeel #MegalithicCemetery #Keshcorran #caves #Shee #Lugh #Moytura #LoughnaSuil #Labby #Eglone #HeapstownCairn #Rathcroghan #Oweynagat #CorleaTrackway #Uisneach #ArdaghHill #KilkennyDruidGrove #hill #Moybolgue #HillofWard #Teltown #Loughcrew #Ardee #BoyneValley #Newgrange #Knowth