Okay this is pushing me over the edge, I might actually get that subscription theater service so that it doesn't matter how many movies I see each month
Also, this is too many movies in a year man, especially with the #WGA and #SAG striking, they need to be pushing movies back
@realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @Marbleturtle Completely forgot the most exciting part, #KravenTheHunter will be in the #MCU as well
As one of the few fans of #DisneyXD's #UltimateSpiderman cartoon, I can't wait to see the new #KravenTheHunter movie (in theaters if it's good, in three years if it's bad)
#DisneyXD #ultimatespiderman #KravenTheHunter
This would make a decent film. Wouldn't even need Spider-man to be involved. Could be part of the Venomverse!
Kraven the Hunter!
#thornydevil #Kraven #KravenTheHunter #Venomverse #thornydevildesign #freelance #artist
#thornydevil #Kraven #KravenTheHunter #Venomverse #thornydevildesign #freelance #artist