I current listen to #latenightlinux and #linuxdowntime - are there any other high quality tech related podcasts I might like?
#latenightlinux #LinuxDowntime
@JoeRess Interesting listening to you latest episode on #linuxdowntime about crypto currency.
As someone that has always been wary of cryto currency, but am very interested in @ChrisLAS point of view, and the whole V4V scene, it would have been good to have him, or at least proponant if these technologies to balance up the debate.
I still can't make my mind up about these things, and a good, balanced debate could be very edifying.
I look forwards to part 2 and possibly part 3!
The one thing I have always had issues with is simply trading #bitcoin but using it as a means of transfer really interests me.
Never mind, I also listened episode 52 and...
I'll stop listening #linuxdowntime right now. :flan_heck:
I give you the doubt that you were just infiltrated by M$... :flan_shrug:
Bye bye... :flan_facepalm:
Dear #joeressington episode 51 of #linuxDowntime is pretty disgusting... :flan_nooo:
Anyone does mistake... :flan_pats:
I hope you will avoid to repeat such embarrassing recording for the next episodes... :flan_guns:
In the two latest episodes of Linux Downtime (49 and 50), @JoeRess and a collection of big names like Stuart Langridge, Martin Wimpress, and Hayden Barnes discussed what it means to be Linux distribution. I love these guys, but I think they've missed the obvious and they're massively overthinking this. I've written my rambling response here:
In the two latest episodes of Linux Downtime (49 and 50), @JoeRess and a collection of big names like Stuart Langridge, Martin Wimpress, and Hayden Barnes discussed what it means to be Linux distribution. I love these guys, but I think they've missed the obvious and they're massively overthinking this. I've written my rambling response here: