Kalum from The Rolistes · @Rolistespod
1137 followers · 385 posts · Server dice.camp

If you're in the UK, head to Leisure Games to grab one the very last copies of "Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying"


This GMless Marie Kondo meets dungeon crawling requires zero prep for 3 to 6 adventurers to declutter their loot.

#ttrpg #MarieKondo #indiettrpg

Last updated 1 year ago

Kalum from The Rolistes · @Rolistespod
1097 followers · 565 posts · Server dice.camp

Have you hit "Notify Me on Launch" yet for the upcoming Kickstarter for "Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying" ? 🌞


Help us deliver a better looking edition, with up to TWO NEW CLASSES, new optional rules and an extra Replay. 😉

#ttrpg #indiettrpg #kickstarter #ParisGondo #MarieKondo

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Brisebois · @RichardBrisebois
13 followers · 106 posts · Server mastodon.world

Do you use as an opportunity to get rid of ?

#moving #stuff #decluttering #declutter #MarieKondo

Last updated 2 years ago

Truth or Fiction · @TruthOrFiction
628 followers · 114 posts · Server mastodon.world
fabiopandiscia :verified: · @fabiopandiscia
23 followers · 122 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Dopo averci fracassato i marroni con lo zen e l'ordine, oggi con 3 figli fa fatica a tenere tutto in ordine, casa compresa. Ora dice, le sue priorità sono diverse.
Ti sei rotta le palle vero?
Benvenuta nella vita reale!



Last updated 2 years ago

DasTausW · @marxist
134 followers · 1927 posts · Server det.social

Wow, ganz schön viel Häme und Schadenfreude darüber, dass tatsächlich auch nur ein Mensch ist… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Last updated 2 years ago

Luca75s :verified: · @schroembgens
86 followers · 27 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Anni di sensi di colpa, sangue marcio perchè non ce la facevo a tenere tutto in ordine…
“Eh ma vedi? Lei fa cosi. Lei si che è brava. Vedi si puó!”
Poi fa tre figli e si scopre che è come tutti noi.
Ma allora ditelo subito no?
Basta non leggeró mai più niente sul riordino, economia domestica, posizioni dell’amore, fate la nanna etc etc. dovete andare a zappare😂

#MarieKondo #kondo #riordino

Last updated 2 years ago

angelsomething · @angelsomething
82 followers · 265 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

#joy #MarieKondo

Last updated 2 years ago

Bufale.net :verified: · @factcheck
6937 followers · 1380 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Contrordine fan della e del metodo . Non troverete più gioia in una casa vuota, parola di stessa. Ed è come vedere un vegano che mangia salsicce o un che si fa tutte le quattro dosi assieme e chiede il per casa


#newage #kondo #MarieKondo #novax #grafene

Last updated 2 years ago

@keefeglise · @keefeglise
183 followers · 930 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

This house would make cry.


Last updated 2 years ago

Lucas Mercury 🦄🌈 · @lucasmercury
60 followers · 186 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

I haven't tooted much lately, I'm in the middle of a massive operation of sorting out stuff inspired by and (the TV series) and honestly when I open the app I'm too tired to do much more than scroll and boost.

It's a big operation, but so rewarding too! Getting rid of loads of stuff we don't need anymore. And it's such a relief too, to get rid of the clutter! 😊

There's one thing we're not touching though: Books. There's no such thing as too many books! 🤩😍❤️📖

#MarieKondo #SortYourLifeOut

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne_de_Montague · @Anne_de_Montague
57 followers · 94 posts · Server piaille.fr

Aujourd'hui j'ai eu une hémiolite aiguë en descendant à l'atelier. Du désordre partout, des tissus, de la poussière, sur la photo J'avais déjà rangé les patrons qui traînaient ( note à mon futur moi noter EXACTEMENT sur chaque pièce ce que c'est). J'ai classé tous les restes de tissus par grandeur et ramassé toutes les épingles qui traînaient pas terre attendant un pied innocent.
Maintenant je peux à nouveau travailler et essayer de finir les 6 projets de la honte.


#couture #MarieKondo

Last updated 2 years ago

Maia KB Chowdhury · @maiakbc
840 followers · 1218 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Decided tonight is a good time for another round of , the Twitter edition:

1. I once had a young woman call my listed number after she found me on Twitter, from many time zones away, to tell me how inspired she was by my holistic work in green building, and asked me for career advice. I loved that. It’s happened a few times actually.
2. I had a young petrochemical engineer in the Middle East find me on Twitter, and he asked about fracking and the challenges with it. It wasn’t a defensive conversation but rather, an interested one. He thanked me for my work in writing about fracking.
3. I was followed by Don Miguel Ruiz (I loved that) and also Marie Kondo; she wrote back to me (and I loved that too). A famous baseball player (who? I have no idea) and I wrote back and forth about his VW van for a while.

I had over 12k Twitter followers at one point and those are the top interactions I remember. I’ve had many more than this on Mastodon in the past 2-3 weeks of my involvement and with fewer people. I appreciate Twitter for those memorable interactions; I’m even more excited for the smaller and more intimate community growing here on Mastodon.


#3goodthings #appreciation #greenbuilding #fracking #donmiguelruiz #MarieKondo

Last updated 2 years ago

Kalum from The Rolistes · @Rolistespod
741 followers · 1167 posts · Server dice.camp

Apparently @itchio is looking for toots about itch games.



...can be described as " but for ..."

It's a pick up and play, no prep and GM-less for 3 to 6 players that pays tribute to encumbrance rules and tropes commonly found in dungeon-crawling.

Play starts as Adventurers already reached the end of a dungeon and defeated its boss.

They discover LOOT that you create. Do they spark joy?

#MarieKondo #MurderHoboes #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

tk 🔥🦊🔥 · @tk
352 followers · 683 posts · Server social.apreslanu.it

@stefw hésite pas activer la suppression des posts qui servent à rien au passage social.apreslanu.it/statuses_c

cc @mguiraud


Last updated 2 years ago

Kalum from The Rolistes · @Rolistespod
742 followers · 1170 posts · Server dice.camp

There are seats left today at 1pm this Friday at to play Paris Gondo
- The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying.


Are you an adventurer with a strong desire to declutter?

It's time to BANISH ENCUMBRANCE FOREVER and to spark joy. 🌞

#AcadeCon2022 #ttrpg #storygame #MarieKondo #conventions #AcadeCon #dayton #Ohio

Last updated 2 years ago

Kalum from The Rolistes · @Rolistespod
529 followers · 859 posts · Server dice.camp

Another adventurer with a strong desire to declutter their loot purchased Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying last night!

We're now 1/3 into our goal towards a Japanese edition! ❤️


#TRPG自己紹介シート #LeTTRPG #ttrpg #MarieKondo

Last updated 2 years ago