RT World Tourism Organization
Mountains are full of life.
🌄As mountain tourism grows in relevance we team up with @FAO and @UNmountains identifying trends and providing recommendations to advance the measurement of mountain tourism.
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Food and Agriculture Organization: Mountains offer food, medicine, valuable ecosystem services & even help regulate the climate.
The agrobiodiversity they provide is key to achieving sustainable agrifood systems.
6 ways countries can protect mountain agrobiodiversity 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UNWTO/status/1687389946657513472
RT @UNmountains: Mountain tourism can boost the incomes of local communities and help preserve natural resources and culture. #MountainsMatter
Read new publication from @FAO @UNWTO and the #MountainPartnership here https://www.fao.org/3/cc5210en/cc5210en.pdf https://t.co/fCxUwYT9uQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1668287306225049603
#MountainsMatter #MountainPartnership
RT @UNWTO: 5 reasons why #MountainsMatter.
Biodiversity 🌼🐍🐝
Food 🥔🌽
Forests 🌲🌳
Fresh 💧
5 reasons to measure and compile data for sustainable mountain tourism: https://t.co/7ctOY2RpQp
#IYM2022 https://t.co/XecdXlmyTO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1653449022093262868
RT @FAOenEspanol
🗻Las montañas nos brindan alimentos, medicinas, ayudan a regular el clima...
La agrobiodiversidad de las montañas es clave para lograr sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles.
6⃣formas de proteger la agrobiodiversidad de las montañas 👇
RT @FAOenFrancais
Grâce à leurs connaissances agroécologiques ancestrales, les femmes en montagne peuvent contribuer grandement à l'adaptation au #ChangementClimatique & à la conservation de la #biodiversité.
En savoir plus 👉 https://bit.ly/3h8vTrT
#IMD2022 #MountainsMatter #biodiversite #changementclimatique
RT @un
The unique topography, climate & isolation of mountains make them the perfect home for a wide variety of plants & animals, including many endangered species.
@FAO has more on why #MountainsMatter. https://www.fao.org/mountain-partnership/our-work/advocacy/mountainsmatter-campaign/en/
RT @FAOenFrancais
Les montagnes fournissent 👇
🍒de la nourriture
💊des médicaments
💧de l'eau
🌬️ et régulent la qualité de l'air
#MountainsMatter plus qu'on pense !
Vous vivez près des montagnes ou vous voulez les visiter ? Que pouvons-nous faire pour soutenir un tourisme de montagne durable ?
Just published: Mountain Research and Development’s new focus issue. The issue showcases examples of knowledge coproduction between #mountain researchers and #Indigenous Peoples from across the globe. The examples show how innovative models of collaborative inquiry can enhance our ability to address the impacts of global change, while empowering, respecting, and bringing together Indigenous and academic knowledges and research approaches. Check it out 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZmDX8R
#MountainsMatter #Indigenous #mountain
RT @FAOenEspanol@twitter.com
El agua dulce de las montañas es clave para lograr un mundo con #SeguridadAlimentaria.
¿Sabías que algunas de las ciudades más grandes del mundo, como Nueva York, Río de Janeiro, Nairobi, Tokio o Melbourne, dependen del agua dulce de las montañas?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FAOenEspanol/status/1613301476037726209
#MountainsMatter #seguridadalimentaria
Researchers, #Indigenous representatives, practitioners, and the audience discussed promising new #conservation approaches as well as challenges for #mountain regions. Coleadership and respectful relationships are key!
👉 https://bit.ly/3NTLQOq
#MountainsMatter #mountain #Conservation #Indigenous
Researchers, #Indigenous representatives, practitioners, and the audience discussed promising new #conservation approaches as well as challenges for #mountain regions. Coleadership and respectful relationships are key!
👉 https://bit.ly/3NTLQOq
#MountainsMatter #mountain #Conservation #Indigenous
RT @RegioInterreg: Mountains occupy 40% of the EU territory (@euromontana). Crazy, isn't it?
Because #MountainsMatter, take a look at some amazing #InterregProjects which enable to ⤵
⛰revitalise mountain life
⛰preserve cultural heritage & biodiversity
⛰promote sustainable tourism
🌄& more!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1602354541516972032
#MountainsMatter #InterregProjects
RT @FAOenFrancais@twitter.com
Grâce à leurs connaissances agroécologiques ancestrales, les femmes en montagne peuvent contribuer grandement à l'adaptation au #ChangementClimatique & à la conservation de la #biodiversité.
En savoir plus 👉 https://bit.ly/3h8vTrT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FAOenFrancais/status/1601950431176974345
#IMD2022 #MountainsMatter #biodiversite #changementclimatique
RT @ONU_fr@twitter.com
Les femmes contribuent :
🌎à la gestion des ressources
🌾aux activités agricoles
💧à la sécurité de l'eau & de la 🍲 des communautés
Célébrons-les en cette Journée #MountainsMatter. https://bit.ly/3UOznNK
Rising temperatures cause glaciers to melt, which can trigger floods, rockslides and avalanches.
It can also result in more mountainside droughts and bushfires.
Read more on how the @LIFEprogramme is helping us adapt to climate change: https://europa.eu/!pXMX9Y
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUClimateAction/status/1602288383870517248
Mont Blanc🏔 Grossglockner🏔 Mount Olympus 🏔
These are just some of the mighty peaks found in Europe 🇪🇺
But despite their formidable looks, mountains are impacted by #climatechange
To celebrate International Mountain Day, learn more about why #mountainsmatter ⬇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUClimateAction/status/1602288365017120769
#ClimateChange #MountainsMatter
RT @unep_espanol@twitter.com
Hoy #DíaDeLasMontañas 🌄 el tema del año es "Las mujeres mueven montañas".
Destacamos a las mujeres que lideran los esfuerzos por el desarrollo sostenible, la adaptación al #CambioClimático y la conservación de la biodiversidad. #MountainsMatter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/unep_espanol/status/1601969369462067202
#MountainsMatter #cambioclimatico #diadelasmontanas
🗻Mountains' facts:
Covers around 27% of the earth's🌎 land surface
Provides fresh water, energy & food-resources
And our #LIFEprojects have been moving mountains to conserve them!
Discover how and where 👇
#MountainsMatter #ClimateAction #LIFEis30 #WorldMountainDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1602258708393861122
#LIFEprojects #MountainsMatter #ClimateAction #LIFEis30 #WorldMountainDay
RT @LIFEprogramme: 🗻Mountains' facts:
Covers around 27% of the earth's🌎 land surface
Provides fresh water, energy & food-resources
And our #LIFEprojects have been moving mountains to conserve them!
Discover how and where 👇
#MountainsMatter #ClimateAction #LIFEis30 #WorldMountainDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1602262431908110337
#LIFEprojects #MountainsMatter #ClimateAction #LIFEis30 #WorldMountainDay
RT @i_ameztoy: Mont Blanc 2022-12-10
#Copernicus #Sentinel2 🛰️ #MountainsMatter #InternationalMountainDay | Previous photo (open thread) is taken somewhere down there on the italian side ➡️ | France ⬅️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1601965056417202183
#Copernicus #Sentinel2 #MountainsMatter #InternationalMountainDay