This ‘Star Fox’ Glider prototype, part of the #NintendoLeaks, shows an early version of the Venom stage, with a different background.
@root Guess why #FLOSS'based #emulators weren't sued successfully?
Because they literall are #cleanroom projects.
That's why the #DolphinProject refuses to even look at the #NintendoLeaks:
They want to enshure this project to remain clean!
#NintendoLeaks #dolphinproject #cleanroom #emulators #FLOSS
📬Großer Nintendo-Leak: Protoypen und gestrichene Spiele📬 #LegendofZelda:ALinktothePast #PokémonDiamondandPearl #SuperMarioAll-Stars #Link'sAwakeningDX #SuperMarioKart #NintendoLeaks #SuperMarioRPG #Yoshi'sIsland #Giga-Leak #StarFoxan #Nintendo #StarFox2 #WildTrax #Artikel #Gaming #F-Zero
#legendofzelda #SuperMarioAll #link #supermariokart #NintendoLeaks #supermariorpg #yoshi #giga #StarFoxan #nintendo #starfox2 #PokémonDiamondandPearl #WildTrax #artikel #gaming #f