***Dave Hill · @three_star_dave
376 followers · 3223 posts · Server mstdn.social

So the alarming last week. that left me without knowing to whom I'd be reporting to, has led to some actually, alarmingly positive possibilities for me within the organization. Assuming my new boss (or, rather, their boss) doesn't get efficiencied-out, too. And so it goes.


Last updated 1 year ago

Corp Jester :verified: · @corp_jester
0 followers · 6 posts · Server mstdn.social

Let’s see what happens with the latest “realignment” (aka ). My guess is less clarity on who does what due to an increase in people thinking something someone else is doing is now their responsibility.


Last updated 2 years ago

fantasyguide · @lapismont
134 followers · 1203 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Reorgs in der -Abteilung laufen immer so ab:
1. neue Namen
2. Erweiterung des Wasserkopfs
3. nächste
Alles unter Betreuung einer externen Beratung.

#it #Reorg #Elfenwerk

Last updated 2 years ago