Let's talk Serqet.
Serqet is the #Kemetic scorpion goddess that is associated with Aset (Isis). She is depicted as a woman with a vague scorpion on her head or as a scorpion. In ancient times she was called upon to heal stings and the like. She is sometimes the mother of Nehebkau who can also help with stings. She is a deity over the windpipe and how we breath. Possibly due to the ability of venom to effect our bodies.
Serqet was not as prolific as Aset (to my understanding. Though kind of because she is Aset.. squishy), but the scorpion was a major concern. And even today they are still causing issues (due to a recent flood in Egypt). Overall, we continue to see Serqet's influence in the world and can turn to her for major acts of healing.
#kemeticism #kemeticpolytheism #deity #scorpion #mythology #pagan #healing
#healing #Pagan #mythology #Scorpion #deity #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #Kemetic
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