#Tensornetworks help to solve the puzzle of the ground state of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet on the #Shuriken lattice.
An absolute joy is coming back to a paper I struggled with two years ago and being "Huh, this makes sense to me now! Noice!" 😁
#quantumcomputing #TensorNetworks #dmrg
together with Refs 1-10 there in
#TensorNetworks #QuantumManyBody
#TensorNetworks #QuantumManyBody
absolute best in class:
#TensorNetworks #QuantumManyBody
#TensorNetworks #QuantumManyBody
Joannes Hauschild https://johannes-hauschild.de/
just released a new version of Tenpy https://github.com/tenpy/tenpy/releases
Great, thank you Joannes #Tenpy #Physics #OpenSource #OpenScience #TensorNetworks #Python #QuantumManyBody
#Tenpy #physics #opensource #OpenScience #TensorNetworks #python #QuantumManyBody