OnlineFirst - "Complexities of multispecies coexistence: Animal diseases and diverging modes of ordering at the wildlife–livestock interface in Southern Africa" by Arvid van Dam, Wisse van Engelen, Detlef Müller-Mahn, Sheila Agha, Sandra Junglen, Christian Borgemeister and Michael Bollig:
#multispecies #animalhealth #wildlife #conservation #livestock #vectorbornediseases #SouthernAfrica
#multispecies #animalhealth #wildlife #conservation #livestock #VectorBorneDiseases #southernafrica
Migrated to #MedMastodon, so I should post my 1st toot (?!), right? 500 much freedom!
I'm a Clinical Microbiologist @MayoClinic. I direct the ID Serology Lab & am Program Director for the #ClinMicro ASM CPEP Fellowship. I also co-host the ASM #EditorsInConversation podcast for #JClinMicro.
Interests: #Virology, #VectorBorneDiseases, & #Mycology.
Originally from Bulgaria. LOVE to travel, history buff & busy w/ 2 kiddos 🥰
#MedMastodon #ClinMicro #EditorsInConversation #JClinMicro #virology #VectorBorneDiseases #mycology #ClinMicroMastadon #IDMastadon