#WritingTreat is open! https://meet.jit.si/TheWritingTreat Currently catching up on some work, then will be moving on to writing.
This Moose Thread is brought to you by, #WritingTreat where we talk about everything between our writing/focus sessons, because we're a bunch of Neuro-a-typical people, who just have our minds wander A LOT.
Sometimes we only have one focus session the entire 2hrs, because we can't stop talking about weird stuff.
It's a support group not just for writing, but for life and being neurodivergent in this world.
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #WritingTreat
Good morning everyone, it's time for another #WritingTreat where I think I'll continue writing about the weird reflections my intense dream gave me.
Today on #WritingTreat we're doing research on micro-aggressions in different bigotries.
It's really interesting.
Good morning everyone! It's writing treat time!
We're a small collection of various neurodivergent people, who like to try to write together, but we also spectacularly fail at writing and just chitchat when the needs arises, sometimes.
You're welcome to come hang out, or ask questions here!
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #WritingTreat
Feeling well enough to finally start hosting #WritingTreat again!!
We're on in about an hour!
As they say, when it rains it pours. However, I have finally resurfaced! 👋
I saw #WritingTreat ran on matrix the other day -- is it on today, and do I finally need to figure out matrix?
Did my #DailyWriting on #WritingTreat today, the word count probably falls short and I haven't transcribed yet but hey! Making progress, if in small steps.
Doing #DailyWriting on #WritingTreat, the diction is hard but the politics is like real shit lol.
Good morning everyone! Turns out I woke up just in time for #WritingTreat today.
I guess we're kicking this week off with some shananigans, and maybe some writing.
#WritingTreat #writingcommunity #amwriting
Did an adulting this morning and trying to get #DailyWriting out of the way early(-ish) so I can focus on some fun translation stuff. Maybe I'll do another writing session at #WritingTreat later today!
I am awake and, maybe not inspired, but lucid enough for a good day of #WritingTreat!
We kick off in 10 minutes.
Now pray for me that IBS doesn't force me to not attend 🤣
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #WritingTreat
#DailyWriting on an impromptu #WritingTreat with Jess, tired & thoughts are scrambling but trying to get it out of the way so I can really relax.
Approaching the end of my big work deadline (and then I'm taking at LEAST the last days of July off, ugh) but going to knock #DailyWriting off before making the final push, and I've got the #WritingTreat crew to back me up!
Doing actual #DailyWriting for once in #WritingTreat, it feels nice to be writing alongside others :D
Good morning everyone! A bit of Writing Treat has commensed.
A lot of tired voices today, but also some focus sessions (one active right now until :40)
#WritingTreat is open.
Eveyrone's a bit slow today. So ocme and get some writing done! (yes, we've been at it for an hour)
I had a weird day, but I'm going to go to bed now to try and be up for #WritingTreat in the morning. :)