Zee Spencer (He/They) · @Zee
653 followers · 1890 posts · Server social.coop

2022 is also the first year one of 's investments tipped over. It's a bummer that I won't see the money back; but I'm grateful I had the opportunity to support a local retail worker coop through COVID, epsecially one owned primarily by queer people of color.

I had made the investment under the CA Cooperative Code, which allows any CA entity (human or corporation) to invest $1k into any CA-COOP.


Last updated 2 years ago

Zee Spencer (He/They) · @Zee
653 followers · 1889 posts · Server social.coop

Looks like made $300 in 2022 (ZTN is the original S-Corp I had founded when I first started , it's what I used to incubate and launch both and ; as well as to make investments in , , and other -owned businesses.

It serves as the entity-of-record for 2 of my longest-term software delivery clients (9? and 5 years, respectively!) and .

Most of its expenses are pass-through payments to and .

#ZTN #consulting #cohere #zinccoop #DriversCoop #ebprec #bipoc #MomentPark

Last updated 2 years ago

Zee Spencer (He/They) · @Zee
507 followers · 1262 posts · Server social.coop

If there were a set of artists who wanted to give this a shot, I'd be happy to help them out by lending expertise in software engineering, digital infrastructure, and cooperative finance and operations.

I'd even happily incubate it in , my (currently moth-balled) cooperative incubator in 2023.


Last updated 2 years ago