🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Zoltán Kodály, Laura van der Heijden & Jâms Coleman:
🎵 Sonata for cello and piano, Op 4
#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #ZoltanKodaly #LauravanderHeijden #jamscoleman
#ZoltanKodaly (#KodályZoltán)
1882 – 1967
Dances of Galánta' [Galántai táncok (1933)
#Oslo Philharmonic
#modernistmusic #kodaly #musica #musique #music #musik #klausmakela #oslo #kodalyzoltan #ZoltanKodaly
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Zoltán Kodály, Magyar Rádió és Televízió énekkara & János Ferencsik:
🎵 Jezus es a kufarok [Jesus and the Traders]
#ZoltánKodály #MagyarRádióésTelevízióénekkara #JánosFerencsik
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#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ZoltanKodaly #magyarradioestelevizioenekkara #janosferencsik
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Zoltán Kodály, Istvan Ella, Chœur du Carmel de Pécs & Tillai Aurél:
🎵 Pange lingua
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ZoltanKodaly #istvanella #chœurducarmeldepecs #tillaiaurel
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Zoltán Kodály, Břetislav Novotný, Karel Přibyl & Lubomír Malý:
🎵 Serenade for 2 violins and viola (Op.12)
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ZoltanKodaly #bretislavnovotny #karelpribyl #lubomirmaly
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Zoltán Kodály, Adam Fellegi & [unknown]:
🎵 Dances of Galanta (Galantai tancok) arr. for piano (orig. for orchestra)
#ZoltánKodály #AdamFellegi #[unknown]
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ZoltanKodaly #adamfellegi
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Zoltán Kodály, Iván Fischer & Budapest Festival Orchestra:
🎵 Kodály: Háry János Suite - Entrance of the emperor and his court
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #ZoltanKodaly #ivanfischer
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Zoltán Kodály, Iván Fischer & Budapest Festival Orchestra:
🎵 Háry János Suite - Intermezzo
#ZoltánKodály #IvánFischer #BudapestFestivalOrchestra
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#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #ZoltanKodaly #ivanfischer #BudapestFestivalOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Zoltán Kodály, Budapest Festival Orchestra & Iván Fischer:
🎵 Háry János suite; The Battle and defeat of Napoleon
#ZoltánKodály #BudapestFestivalOrchestra #IvánFischer
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #ZoltanKodaly #BudapestFestivalOrchestra #ivanfischer #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Zoltán Kodály, Iván Fischer & Budapest Festival Orchestra:
🎵 Intermezzo (Hary Janos Suite, Op.35a)
#ZoltánKodály #IvánFischer #BudapestFestivalOrchestra
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#nowplaying #breakfast #ZoltanKodaly #ivanfischer #BudapestFestivalOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Zoltán Kodály, Istvan Ella, Chœur du Carmel de Pécs & Tillai Aurél:
🎵 Pange lingua
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ZoltanKodaly #istvanella #chœurducarmeldepecs #tillaiaurel
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SundayMorning
Zoltán Kodály, BBC Philharmonic & Yan Pascal Tortelier:
🎵 Concerto for Orchestra
#nowplaying #sundaymorning #ZoltanKodaly #BBCPhilharmonic #YanPascalTortelier
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Zoltán Kodály, Budapest Festival Orchestra & Iván Fischer:
🎵 The Battle and Defeat of Napoleon (Hary Janos Suite, Op 35a)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #ZoltanKodaly #BudapestFestivalOrchestra #ivanfischer
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Zoltán Kodály, London Symphony Orchestra & István Kertész:
🎵 Viennese Musical Clock (Hary Janos Suite)
#ZoltánKodály #LondonSymphonyOrchestra #IstvánKertész
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#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #ZoltanKodaly #londonsymphonyorchestra #istvankertesz
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Hungarian Radio Orchestra, Zoltán Kodály & Tamás Vásáry:
🎵 Hary Janos Suite, Op 35a
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #HungarianRadioOrchestra #ZoltanKodaly #tamasvasary
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Zoltán Kodály & Tenebrae:
🎵 Esti Dal
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #ZoltanKodaly #Tenebrae #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Zoltán Kodály, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra & Giordano Bellincampi:
🎵 Dances from Galánta
#ZoltánKodály #AucklandPhilharmoniaOrchestra #GiordanoBellincampi
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #ZoltanKodaly #aucklandphilharmoniaorchestra #giordanobellincampi
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Budapest Festival Orchestra, Zoltán Kodály & Iván Fischer:
🎵 Prelude (Hary Janos Suite Op.35a)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #BudapestFestivalOrchestra #ZoltanKodaly #ivanfischer
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Zoltán Kodály & Dante Quartet:
🎵 Intermezzo
#nowplaying #breakfast #ZoltanKodaly #DanteQuartet
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3LunchtimeConcert
Zoltán Kodály, Tim Crawford, Tim Posner & Timothy Ridout:
🎵 Intermezzo
#nowplaying #Radio3LunchtimeConcert #ZoltanKodaly #timcrawford #TimPosner #TimothyRidout