RT @AgrarianTrust
We need a cultural awakening for the way land is valued and cared for.
We see successful examples right here in the U.S.A. with public parks and libraries, along with countless models globally of successful land commons.
#landaccess #agrariancommons #localfood #foodshed
RT @AgrarianTrust
Those most closely impacted by a situation or circumstances should be the ones to decide what to do to address that situation and set of circumstances.
#agrariancommons #nhagrariancommons #commons #landaccess #localfood #foodsystem #newhampshire #nh
#agrariancommons #nhagrariancommons #commons #landaccess #localfood #foodsystem #newhampshire #nh
RT @AgrarianTrust
It is crucial to the model that the cost to access land falls WELL BELOW traditional land ownership and financing structures.
Find out more on our Frequently Asked Questions page
#landreform #landjustice #commons #agrariancommons #landaccess #landcrisis
#landreform #landjustice #commons #agrariancommons #landaccess #landcrisis
RT @AgrarianTrust
Seed saving movement calls for seeds to be publicly owned.
It's not just land that needs to be put back into the commons.
#commons #agrariancommons #biodiversity #climatechange #agriculture #seeds #openpollinated
#commons #agrariancommons #biodiversity #climatechange #agriculture #seeds #openpollinated