RikerDonegal · @RikerDonegal
29 followers · 1142 posts · Server mastodon.ie

02 (1979) - 6/10

1️⃣ Another wildly inventive episode with a sci-fi plot. Again, the influence of the movies is very obvious. I don't think the show is trying to hide it. There are gadgets galore, beautiful women and a car that drives underwater!

2️⃣ The villainess has a diabolical scheme that involves killer locusts(!) and is her right-hand man.

3️⃣ It's all very tongue-in-cheek and the story logic holds together reasonably well.

#amancalledsloane #jamesbond #martinkove

Last updated 1 year ago

RikerDonegal · @RikerDonegal
29 followers · 1142 posts · Server mastodon.ie