@MevsMatze @CinemaParrotDisco It happened to @YayForThat here recently with her review of #AWoundedFawn. 😊
Have not seen #DontMakeMeGo. Onto the list it goes.
I really enjoyed #Circle (2015), though.
#awoundedfawn #dontmakemego #circle #yayforthatreview
@ZombieCrew Hmm... #TheMenu, #AWoundedFawn, #Fresh, #BoilingPoint (2021)—not sure if this one is actually horror, but it is a grotesque picture of behind the scenes fine dining that pairs well with the Menu.
#themenu #awoundedfawn #fresh #boilingpoint
I had an art book called Surreal Friends that covered surrealist artists Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, and Kati Horner I felt I had to sell a couple of years ago to make ends meet, along with Alice Neal and Cy Twombley art books. Now I find out Surreal Friends can be bought for between $500 and $2400. I know I sold it for so much less and I wish I still owned it. But the things we must do to get by. We are discussing #LeonoraCarrington in our #AWoundedFawn in #HorrorMovieClub #HMCchat
#hmcchat #horrormovieclub #awoundedfawn #LeonoraCarrington
@YayForThat @HangFireBooks @MargaretSefton Yes, with such works, I tend to read more into the authorial intent.
The sexual violence and gaslighting in the original #EvilDead, the rape by the woods, played as a gag. It's something to groan at, lecherous and prurient.
I could see wanting to comment on such problematic elements, while also paying homage. There's no doubt a great deal of love expressed for the movies, not ridicule.
Unique film for sure!
#hmcchat #awoundedfawn
#evildead #hmcchat #awoundedfawn
@HangFireBooks @MevsMatze It must be remedied! I can't even follow y'all's #EvilDead references in talking about #AWoundedFawn. My education is sorely lacking, but I'm a good student, lols.
@HangFireBooks @MargaretSefton @YayForThat
#HMCchat #AWoundedFawn #EvilDead2 #EvilDead
His makeup, wardrobe, his name is even Bruce… 😅
In many of the scenes, especially with it being in 16mm, I had the feeling that I was watching a retelling of the Ash character, but with genuine mythology behind it and Bruce’s character as the antagonist.
The scenes where each tries to convince himself in the mirror that he’s fine stick out to me.
Here is Bruce Campbell’s head wound makeup:
#hmcchat #awoundedfawn #evildead2 #evildead
#HorrorMovieClub #HMCchat As we wrap on our discussion of #AWoundedFawn, I wanted to share an amazing review and reviewer. The review is in German but can very easily, and accurately be translated into German with DeepL Translate. The actor who played Bruce in the film liked and shared the review on Mastodon so it is officially endorsed! An artful film deserves an artful review and this is it. I hope we will see more and that she will share her reviews with us!
#awoundedfawn #hmcchat #horrormovieclub
I mean he looked like a fish on a river bank.
@MargaretSefton @YayForThat So any of you feel at any time you were watching what my be Ash’s breakdown in Evil Dead 2? That 16mm and his wardrobe out in the woods, the madness…
Is it obvious or am I reaching?
If I look at what Ash did: broke into someone’s cabin, cut up his girlfriend, shot another woman guiding the owner’s daughter to cabin, and then nearly kills the daughter. 🤷☢️👨🦳
@grryboy I just started watching #TheApology tonight. So love Anna Gunn.
#AWoundedFawn seemed somewhat unique in that even though there seems to be a "final girl" in Meredith, she actually lives on in the form of a Fury. And yeah, I had only a cursory knowledge of some literary/mythological references, but I could still watch and enjoy. I have had surreal art books re: Carrington et al and read a part of one of her novels but no real comprehensive knowledge of the whole mythology.
Doberman pincher hound from hell at 16 minutes, 22 seconds: A mythological reference? Or just good fun.
#awoundedfawn #horrormovieclub
What is the significance of the focus on the tie, the tie clip, the diamond necklace, etc, in that opening auction scene? Any thoughts? #HorrorMovieClub #AWoundedFawn
#awoundedfawn #horrormovieclub
#HorrorMovieClub #AWoundedFawn At 1 hour 20 minutes and 30 seconds, why the hell does Bruce tear up a white sheet? What gives? Any ideas?
#awoundedfawn #horrormovieclub
@MargaretSefton #horrormovieclub #AWoundedFawn Last I liked the bone fragment stuff and had a big laugh at the gallery scene where men were giving the side eye to women conspiratorially laughing…in a gallery full of paintings of murderous women.
#horrormovieclub #awoundedfawn
@MargaretSefton #horrormovieclub #AWoundedFawn I also liked the horror that was implied by the emptied out photo albums. When the Furies manifested the very classical stagey effects (color gels, blowing cloth) looked great in the deep woods setting. The stove pipe, cooked butt scene was pretty laughable and the final discussion between the masked Fury and the killer was way to mundane and on the money and kind of brought the whole experience down
#horrormovieclub #awoundedfawn
@MargaretSefton Just getting a chance to write up my thoughts #horrormovieclub #AWoundedFawn First off, this was definitely vibe film. I enjoyed the primary color gels and 16mm. Second I’m glad I spent dozens of hours playing #Hades so I had some background on The Furies (and a ridiculous crush on Magaera). The shitty dude character was broadly painted but economical. You could tell he could never land one of these sophisticated women and constructed this revenge fantasy persona
#horrormovieclub #awoundedfawn #hades
I love this. When you are rewarded for having specific knowledge in a movie, without being made to feel like you've missed something without it.
Tangentially, that's a huge criticism I levy against the MCU.
I have not yet seen #men but it's on my watchlist
@MargaretSefton Meredith seems to have really evolved to the point where there is no long such a thing as unconditional trust. I found this to be of great importance.
She is intuitively working things out even before her mind begins to process.
Bruce is already haunted by his own demons, but when she is able to realize his game, he has to fight against the demons of the women he's hurt and killed.
@faehnrich Great! Follow along with the hashtag #HorrorMovieClub. Our first movie is A Wounded Fawn and you can follow with the hashtag #AWoundedFawn and/or #HorrorMovieClub.
#awoundedfawn #horrormovieclub
#HorrorMovieClub To talk about our group business such as polls, watch parties, future movies, fave lists, etc, we will use the hashtag #HMCchat, but if this gets messed up a little with #HorrorMovieClub at first, it's alright. But it makes sense to try to get a little organized. For responses and comments on a particular movie, use the hashtag #HorrorMovieClub and maybe the particular movie for good measure, ie #AWoundedFawn.
#awoundedfawn #hmcchat #horrormovieclub
And feel free to pose your own questions! These are just some I thought of. Cheers.
#awoundedfawn #horrormovieclub