Jim Cappio · @DrPrunesquallor
42 followers · 581 posts · Server mstdn.social

RT @BlkHistStudies
On January 1, 1804, ex-enslaved African Jean-Jacques Dessalines officially declared Haiti as an independent nation, bringing an end to a thirteen-year struggle for independence from France!

#dessalines #IndependenceDay #ayiti #Haiti

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Cassana
389 followers · 102 posts · Server universeodon.com

This is Chanjman by Emeline Michel. She's sometimes referred to as the Joni Mitchell from , most commonly spelt as 🇭🇹. She plays a genre called mizik ""; commonly just Rasin nowadays. The genre has changed significantly over the past decades, but has kept its character and mix of and with and local elements, plus of course lyrics in . Admittedly this song is quite modern, and is less obviously syncretic.

#ayiti #haiti #rasin #rootsmusic #local #rock #jazz #african #kreyol

Last updated 2 years ago

SoFla Admin · @soflaadmin
6 followers · 33 posts · Server sofla.cafe

Proposal - a Mastodon home for South - sofla.cafe!

Benevolent dictator for now, cooperatively-owned and managed (a ) upon reaching critical mass.

and diaspora - welcome!

#florida #platformcooperative #caribbean #latam #jamaica #ayiti #bahamas #cuba #republicadominicana

Last updated 2 years ago

Masaya · @Masayalb
41 followers · 43 posts · Server mastodon.social


"reiteramos nuestro rechazo a los operativos de deportación que vulneran los derechos y la dignidad de las personas migrantes, que no se corresponde con el espíritu solidario, de buena convivencia y receptividad del pueblo dominicano.

El Edo dominicano tiene la potestad soberana de disponer la entrada y salida de extranjeros del territorio nacional, siempre que se haga en respeto de los DDHH, el debido proceso y ...dignidad..."

#republicadominicana #haiti #ayiti

Last updated 2 years ago

Sultan Galiev · @SultanGaliev
148 followers · 8412 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @PartiIndigenes@twitter.com

: En 1791, les esclaves réussissent l’impensable : ils chassent les colons français et fondent un nouveau pays. La fera payer cet affront à leurs descendants — en espèces. Le montant payé est resté un mystère, jusqu'à aujourd'hui.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/PartiIndigenes/sta

#ayiti #Haïtiens #france

Last updated 2 years ago