Jan Thie · @Jantar
171 followers · 2567 posts · Server mstdn.social

The great tits* like the new feeder (with camera and solar battery roof) but most of the birds prefer the old free-floating feeder.

*The one on the closest branch is obviously waiting for me to move my sorry human arse away from the window again.

#fastfoodfeeder #greattits #birdcams #birdfeeders

Last updated 2 years ago

This is the first morning I’ve been able to relax psychologically all week. I’m laying in bed, reading Mastodon feeds, and watching Allen Birdcam on YouTube. Yes, it’s night is SA, but sometimes there are bats. :) In short, I’ve been useless in a Puritan/Capitalist sense all morning.

#lazymorning #FridayFeeling #birdcams

Last updated 2 years ago