@SFTHQ RT by @jooeysiiu: NEW: Coalition of oppressed diaspora communities in the United States issues joint letter to @SecBlinken ahead of his upcoming visit to the People’s Republic of China. We call on @SecBlinken to prioritize human rights! docs.google.com/document/d/1vd nitter.hongkongers.net/SFTHQ/s


Last updated 2 years ago

@ZhouFengSuo RT by @jooeysiiu: Humanitarian China with the coalition of human rights groups demand that @SecBlinken place human rights, and particularly the plight of political prisoners unjustly detained by the Chinese Communist Party at the center of his discussions with PRC officials. nitter.hongkongers.net/ZhouFen


Last updated 2 years ago

@Uyghur_American RT by @jooeysiiu: We demand @SecBlinken to raise the individual cases of Uyghurs such as Ilham Tohti who are in prison and ask for the release of individuals from the camps. Open up the communication so we can talk to our family members in East Turkistan nitter.hongkongers.net/Uyghur_

#blinkenchinavisit #stopuyghurgenocide

Last updated 2 years ago

@jooeysiiu RT by @wangdan1989: BREAKING: Coalition of oppressed diaspora communities in the United States issues joint letter to @SecBlinken ahead of his upcoming visit to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysi


Last updated 2 years ago

@jooeysiiu RT by @AnnaKwokFY: BREAKING: Coalition of oppressed diaspora communities in the United States issues joint letter to @SecBlinken ahead of his upcoming visit to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysi


Last updated 2 years ago

@tengbiao RT by @jooeysiiu: BREAKING: Coalition of oppressed diaspora communities in the US issues joint letter to @SecBlinken ahead of his upcoming visit to . nitter.hongkongers.net/tengbia

#china #blinkenchinavisit #tibet #hongkong #uyghurs #uyghurgenocide

Last updated 2 years ago

R to @jooeysiiu: The undersigned organizations also urges @SecBlinken to demand that the concentration camps, forced labor facilities, and coercive boarding schools be shut down, and all political prisoners be released immediately. nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysi


Last updated 2 years ago

R to @jooeysiiu: The coalition asks that @SecBlinken to place human rights, and particularly the plight of political prisoners unjustly detained by the Chinese Communist Party at the center of his discussions with PRC officials. nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysi


Last updated 2 years ago

BREAKING: Coalition of oppressed diaspora communities in the United States issues joint letter to @SecBlinken ahead of his upcoming visit to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysi


Last updated 2 years ago