Aaiiee aaiiee!! Sitting in my basement man cave, when the wheelbarrow made a noise? Huh? Looked up to see a 1.2m eastern brown snake* between me & the exit.
*Probably. Possibly a deadlier tiger snake, easily confused by non experts (me). Both have stripes.
I just sat still. It moved enough for me to escape, & I called the Reptile Bloke. No answer! Now I dare not enter!
I just was out in the bush earlier, collecting dead branches. No gloves, no shoes...eek!
#venomous #brownsnake #bushlife
Gl9ves & boots while gardening in Australian summers please peeps. #auspol #brownsnake
RT @criprights@twitter.com
Reminder from a friend just now post brown snake bite that wearing gloves in the garden is a good idea (he was). Also long pants. Was given anti venom as a precaution, and will hopefully be okay.
Is that time of year. Stay safe people.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/criprights/status/1611225704884207616