I’m so glad new users are learning the Mastodon etiquette and embracing Camel Case (I actually started doing that on thee Twitter), putting hashtag blocks at the end of toots, and captioning their images. I love yous guys. I’m also new!
#CapitalizeYourHashTags #DescribeThatImage #respect
#capitalizeyourhashtags #describethatimage #respect
Please remember to #CapitalizeYourHashtags by using #camelCase or #UpperCamelCase, so that screen readers can separate them into words. You can find this and more tips here: https://accessible360.com/accessible360-blog/2021-09-08-making-social-media-content-accessible/ #accessibility
#capitalizeyourhashtags #CamelCase #UpperCamelCase #accessibility
@JoyceVance welcome and I'm so glad you're here! As a note, if you capitalize words in hashtags screen readers can read them.
#protectdemocracy #twittermigration #capitalizeyourhashtags
@JoyceVance welcome and I'm so glad you're here! As a note, if you capitalize words in hashtags screen readers can read them.
#protectdemocracy #twittermigration #capitalizeyourhashtags