C'mon #StarWars peeps, I'm thirsting for Chiss mutuals here! Where are my blue people lovers? 💙
#starwars #chiss #thrawn #chissascendancy #chisstodon
Probably my favorite #StarWars character in the new canon is Mitth'raw'nuruodo.
I wasn't so enamored with #Thrawn in the old SWEU, but the both his new canon book trilogies are fantastic and create a multi-layered tragic anti-hero. Especially in #ChissAscendancy, he is phenomenal.
So where is my #ChissNation here on Mastodon? Let's start #Chisstodon as our hashtag!
#starwars #thrawn #chissascendancy #chissnation #chisstodon
hmmm if fandom spaces grow on here enough to split into sub-fandoms, I wonder what tags we’ll use? I’m so used to #thrtwt and #chisstwt (and my fandom-in-law #VALANCENATION) but for obvious reasons the “twt” part isnt fitting here lol
For now I guess just adding #TheHighRepublic #StarWars #ChissAscendancy (?) will help people find each other but that’s not the same thing as a /community/ tag yah feel
#chissascendancy #StarWars #TheHighRepublic #valancenation #chisstwt #thrtwt