Recordings 20th Annual #CommunityInformatics Research Network Conference (#CIRN2022), Prato, Italy, Nov 9-11, 2022:
- Conf program:
- Day 1:
- Day 2:
#communityinformatics #cirn2022 #ict4d #km4dev
Expedition to the 20TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY INFORMATICS RESEARCH NETWORK CONFERENCE #cirn2022 accomplished - I managed to find my way from Florence airport to the central railway station and then to Prato by train - and find my hotel! Who says Geographers can't read maps!!
The Community Community Informatics Conference -CIRN- is as always, going to be a really first class and diverse event. The theme of the 2022 conference, “20 years of CIRN: Examining the past, present and future of communities and technology” aims to both look back at 20 years of the Prato conferences and the rich knowledge, and experience that have emerged from them, but as well, look at new emerging themes and challenges in a very different world. The conference may well be unique as an international long-term reflective event concerned with the internet. #cirn2022