Our goal in the Bay Area is for each one to reach one and teach one that littering & illegal dumping is harmful to our ecosystem, #stormwater, & animals on both land and sea. #CleanCA #CleanCACommunityDays #Caltrans #CleanCABayArea
#stormwater #cleanca #cleancacommunitydays #caltrans #cleancabayarea
Caltrans Bay Area celebrated Clean CA Community Days through education and fun. A special thanks to D4 Director Dina El Tawansy, Assemblymember Mia Bonta, Ken Houston & Kira Hagi and music by Club Anywhere. #cleanca #CleanCaBayArea #CleanCaCommunityDays @CaltransHQ @CAgovernorhttps://nitter.poast.org/i/web/status/163…
#cleanca #cleancabayarea #cleancacommunitydays
The entire Bay Area is invited to join Clean CA tomorrow Saturday, March 25th @ Lake Merritt Amphitheater for a day of education & fun. All ages welcome. Games for all ages, music, painting and more.
#CleanCA #cleancacommunitydays #CleanCABayArea @CaltransHQ @CAgovernor
#cleanca #cleancacommunitydays #cleancabayarea