#PhDposition in Creativity, Translation and Technology (3.0 FTE) (V23.0606) #AI #UniversityOfGroningen
- a Research Master’s or Master’s degree in any area related to the project (e.g. #TranslationStudies, #DigitalHumanities, #Linguistics, #LiteraryStudies, #InformationScience, #ComputerScience, #CognitiveScience #CognitivePsychology
- ...
You may apply for this position until 22nd October 11:59pm CET
For more info:
- https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S000ACQP&cat=wp
- https://www.rug.nl/staff/a.guerberof.arenas/
#phdposition #ai #UniversityOfGroningen #translationstudies #digitalhumanities #linguistics #literaryStudies #InformationScience #computerscience #cognitivescience #cognitivepsychology
I finally made time to read Predictably Irrational and it's been a rewarding trip down the irrational pathways of our mind.
It's a great way to think about how pricing–especially "free"–has a ton of irrational responses by our very nature. As someone who wants to know what my fast-thinking mind will jump to before my slow-thinking mind gets time to analyze, this it hitting home. If that captures your interest, it's worth a read.
#cognitivepsychology #productmarketing
Thoughts on 🤔
Why is denial often the first reaction when people don't want to believe in the information? Why did denial evolve?
#psychology of wishful 🙏 thinking
#EvolutionaryPsychology #CognitivePsychology #InformationProcessing
#psychology #evolutionarypsychology #cognitivepsychology #informationprocessing
My ambitious solo paper reviewing our field is now online!
"Mapping visual working memory models to a theoretical framework" published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (@psychonomic_soc): https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13423-023-02356-5
#psychology #science #cognition #cognitivepsychology #visionscience #visualworkingmemory
#visualworkingmemory #visionscience #cognitivepsychology #cognition #science #psychology
Understanding collective decision making in ants
“Our findings reveal that weaver ants – like humans – limit their investment into a task when the outcomes are unknown,” said Carlesso. “This strategy — termed ‘budgeting’ — is common in individual humans and nonhuman animals, and allows ants to cut their losses in case of an adverse outcome.”
#ecology #cognitivepsychology #psychobiology
MEP Christine Anderson Issues Wake-Up Call: “You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of a Tyranny”
#EU #EUROPE #France #EU #Justice #Climat #Egalite #Paix #democratiedies #news #headlines #introduction #guardian #VisionScience #CognitivePsychology #CognitiveScience #CognitiveNeuroscience
#CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience #cognitivepsychology #visionscience #guardian #introduction #headlines #news #democratiedies #paix #egalite #climat #justice #france #europe #eu
Creating slides for an upcoming talk and trying to design a clear way to showcase the issues with the current typical scientific approach. This is what I have ended up with for now, see the image description for the explanation! Very much looking for feedback.
#psychology #science #cognitivepsychology #philosophyofscience
#philosophyofscience #cognitivepsychology #science #psychology
Thought I'd share my preprint, "Mapping visual working memory models to a theoretical framework." https://psyarxiv.com/g8erx
It's a commentary on the state of theory development in my research area of visual working memory (perhaps unusual from an early-career researcher!). It's also my first solo paper – very much looking for feedback! #visualcognition #visualworkingmemory #visionscience #cognition #cognitivepsychology #psychology
#psychology #cognitivepsychology #cognition #visionscience #visualworkingmemory #VisualCognition
Just what is a connectionist model / #DeepLearning model / #AI 🙉?
With large language models like #ChatGPT in the news, some of you might want a simple explainer video for non experts 😃
#OER created for #CognitivePsychology - assumes no prior knowledge of computer science. Talks a bit about brains and category knowledge.
✨Captions manually corrected for accessibility
#deeplearning #ai #chatgpt #oer #cognitivepsychology
Contrary to what some prior one-shot improvements on reflection tests may have suggested, 3 pre-registered experiments on the effect of explaining to participants the correct and lured responses to belief bias argument evaluations didn't reliably or dramatically improve participants evaluations of the arguments.
N1 ≅100, N2 ≅100, N3 ≅ 30
#Logic #Heuristics #Bias #CriticalThinking #CognitivePsychology #Rationality #Teaching #DecisionScience #CogSci #JDM
#logic #heuristics #bias #criticalthinking #cognitivepsychology #rationality #teaching #decisionscience #cogsci #jdm
🐘 Postdoc Researcher in #CognitivePsychology, moved here from the bird-site.
I mostly share:
📚 articles added to my #toReadList to keep me motivated to discover new articles (un)related to my work
🛠️ useful tools and tips that I see online (#R, #Stats, #openscience, #writing)
📅info about upcoming conferences that I find interesting
#cognitivepsychology #toreadlist #r #stats #openscience #writing
The following will seem obvious, "common sense", but, these considerations are not generally discussed as being associated with psychological problems. #psychology #CognitivePsychology
1. An ongoing persistent pain can cause a persistent state of anxiety.
2. An ongoing (though intermittent) persistent pleasure won't cause a persistent state of anxiety. (E.g., satisfying sex)
Whilst many psychologists are aware of the psychologically negative effects of persistent anxiety, too many don't treat the anxiety, they implicitly treat the pain (e.g., using medication).
All well and good, if the physical pain is the cause of the anxiety (e.g., an injury). However, it's a temporary solution if the physical pain is related to emotional disturbance.
And let's be clear, there are many adult humans that are the cause of the emotional disturbances in others. #sociopaths. But, sociopaths don't generally perceive that they need therapy #Putin
#sociopaths #psychology #cognitivepsychology #putin #evolutionarypsychology
"'A Suspicious Science' [#OxfordUniversityPress] is divided into two parts. The first part describes the history and contemporary practices of empirical #psychology [and in] the second part of the book, I explore popular forms of #psychology such as #selfHelp literature and its reliance on magical thinking."
Find out more about Amazon's "#1 New Release in #CognitivePsychology" in this week's series about it on the #BrainsBlog: https://philosophyofbrains.com/2023/03/26/a-suspicious-science-the-uses-of-psychology.aspx
#PhilSci #CogSci #MetaScience @PhilOfBrains
#oxforduniversitypress #psychology #selfhelp #cognitivepsychology #brainsblog #philsci #cogsci #MetaScience
Why do (most) humans become less curious & more "mind made up" once they have reached what's considered an adult age?
"Fixed" thinking in old age isn't deterministic - but many elderly people develop it (e.g., dogma).
#psychology #cognitivepsychology
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/the-5-cognitive-distortions-preventing-you-from-making-better-decisions
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/the-5-cognitive-distortions-preventing-you-from-making-better-decisions
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon: http://nitter.platypush.tech/hackernoon/status/1639358937886773249#m
From an evolutionary standpoint, human beings developed cognitive distortions as a survival method. - by @techtello https://hackernoon.com/the-5-cognitive-distortions-preventing-you-from-making-better-decisions #cognitivebias #cognitivepsychology
#cognitivebias #cognitivepsychology
Continuing my occasional detour into the psychology of the imagination and the power of stories, here's my latest @medium piece
#stories #psychology #CognitivePsychology #CognitiveScience
#stories #psychology #cognitivepsychology #cognitivescience
Just woke up from my first ever conference nightmare. Couldn't find my room, had to wear mismatched socks, had to leave my kid unattended, lost my glove, my session was in a different day than I thought, arrived too late to it, moderator was giving me the evil eye, and my poster had printed wrong so it was an A4 size with tiny tiny letters and figures just at the top. BUT the poster format was kind of brilliant. The poster was attached to a stick and then all presenters walked around, waving their poster around like a flag. Much more effective in attracting attention I am sure. We should change this. #Petition #Posters #CognitiveScience #Neuroscience #VisionScience #CognitivePsychology #Conferences #VSS2023 #ECVP2023
#petition #posters #cognitivescience #neuroscience #visionscience #cognitivepsychology #conferences #vss2023 #ecvp2023
The nervous system is electro-chemical. Thought's are the product of electro-chemical reactivity. Heat is one byproduct of a chemical reaction. Consciousness is another. Whilst science currently does not have a complete understanding of consciousness, all the experimental & observational evidence would lead a reasoned person, who is aware of that evidence, to conclude that consciousness is biological.
Therefore, the intrinsic fuel for consciousness is food & water (& external aspects that sustain the organisms bio systems within sustainable limits. E.g., temperature)
Scientifically, the explanations in this post are not controversial nor speculative (However, folk psychology, etc).
Organism that think (e.g., mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians & fish) #CognitivePsychology & don't think (e.g., plants, fungi, etc) evolved.
Conscious thoughts are #adaptations (adaptive), #maladaptations (maladaptive), #byproducts ("noise") & #malfunctions. (E.g., disease). Conscious thoughts are nature & nurture. For example, inheritance & learning (experience).
Beliefs either have an adaptive (e.g., placebo), maladaptive or benign quality. Understanding is adaptive. Misunderstanding is adaptive, if the mistake is recognised & leads to adaptation. If the mistake is implicit, the misunderstanding is maladaptive (e.g., dogma).
The human mind has evolved to be a general adaptive system (general intelligence). The more an individual organism is aware of their minds adaptive & maladaptive characteristics, the more generally adaptive that mind.
Humanity must adapt to sustain #ecology (environment). Does humanity, in general, have what it takes? Does humanity have sufficient general adaptive intelligence? Or is humanity ecologically maladapted?
Time will "tell".
#cognitivepsychology #adaptations #maladaptations #malfunctions #ecology #psychology #byproducts #science
Are you a researcher working on visual cognition or some related field? Please drop your Mastodon handle here and we will follow you. Also feel free to point us to other accounts.
#VisualAttention #EyeMovements #ObjectPerception #FacePerception #VisualMemory , #VisualStatistics #VisualPlasticity #VisualPerception #VisionScience #CognitivePsychology #CognitiveScience #CognitiveNeuroscience
#visualattention #eyemovements #objectperception #faceperception #visualmemory #visualstatistics #visualplasticity #visualperception #visionscience #cognitivepsychology #cognitivescience #cognitiveneuroscience