Australia’s token mapping to be ‘tech agnostic,’ says Treasury official - Trevor Power hopes the framework will fall closer on the “spectru... - #australianblockchainweek #eumarketsincryptoassets #australiantreasury #consultationpaper #tokenmapping #techagnostic #trevorpower #techneutral
#techneutral #trevorpower #techagnostic #tokenmapping #consultationpaper #australiantreasury #eumarketsincryptoassets #australianblockchainweek
Hong Kong security regulator to issue crypto license guidelines in May - The crypto business guidelines were reportedly revealed by the ch... - #hongkongsecuritiesfuturescommission #virtualassetserviceprovider #consultationpaper #julialeung #cryptohub #bitget
#bitget #cryptohub #julialeung #consultationpaper #virtualassetserviceprovider #hongkongsecuritiesfuturescommission
Hong Kong’s crypto rules set a high bar for ‘good reason,’ says SFC advisor - Lucy Gazmararian, an advisory board member to Hong Kong's securit... - #virtualassetserviceproviders #securitiesfuturescommission #hongkongwowsummit #consultationpaper #lucygazmararian #cryptohub
#cryptohub #lucygazmararian #consultationpaper #hongkongwowsummit #securitiesfuturescommission #virtualassetserviceproviders
Bank of England thinks digital pound can co-exist with private stablecoins - The central bank wants an e-GBP to be retail-focused and could fo... - #bankdisintermediation #businesstobusiness #consultationpaper #persontobusiness #infrastructure #smartcontracts #digitalpound #atomicswaps #coreledger #britcoin #retail #api
#api #retail #britcoin #coreledger #atomicswaps #digitalpound #smartcontracts #infrastructure #persontobusiness #consultationpaper #businesstobusiness #bankdisintermediation
Bank of Russia Suggests Tax Cuts for Long-Term Digital Asset Holders - The Central Bank of Russia is proposing to introduce tax incentives for long-term ... - #consultationpaper #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #digitalassets #taxincentives #bankofrussia #digitalasset #centralbank #regulations #discussion #regulation #investors #taxation #holders #russian #taxcuts #crypto #report #russia #taxes
#taxes #russia #report #crypto #taxcuts #russian #holders #taxation #investors #regulation #discussion #regulations #centralbank #digitalasset #BankofRussia #taxincentives #digitalassets #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #consultationpaper
Bank of Russia Suggests Tax Cuts for Long-Term Digital Asset Holders
#consultationpaper #Cryptocurrencies #Cryptocurrency #DigitalAssets #taxincentives #BankofRussia #DigitalAsset #CentralBank #Regulations #discussion #Regulation #Investors #Taxation #Holders #russian #taxcuts #Crypto #report #Russia #Taxes #DFAs #CBR #DFA #Tax
#consultationpaper #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #DigitalAssets #taxincentives #BankofRussia #DigitalAsset #centralbank #Regulations #discussion #regulation #investors #Taxation #Holders #russian #taxcuts #crypto #report #russia #taxes #DFAs #CBR #dfa #Tax