@yaaps@banana.dog @vidak
Don't blame the messenger, ie. Malthus. Blame the selfServing and their for lionising and above that would've been sane.

Our has been talking about this for over ten years now and has been vilified and lampooned by and the realEstate and lobby for it.

#politicians #corporateDonors #growth #gdp #kpis #DickSmith #corporatemedia #construction

Last updated 3 years ago

You'd have thought that post-COVID, govts would know better than to indulge the , , and , but no.

At least in the are marching ahead with their destructive, third-worldisation process.

Most so-called leaders in this country are rentSeekers themselves or sychophants to their .

#gentrifiers #rentseekers #speculators #australia #oligarchs #highrise #corporateDonors

Last updated 4 years ago