@yaaps@banana.dog @vidak
Don't blame the messenger, ie. Malthus. Blame the selfServing #politicians and their #corporateDonors for lionising #growth and #GDP above #KPIs that would've been sane.
Our #DickSmith has been talking about this for over ten years now and has been vilified and lampooned by #corporateMedia and the realEstate and #construction lobby for it.
#politicians #corporateDonors #growth #gdp #kpis #DickSmith #corporatemedia #construction
You'd have thought that post-COVID, govts would know better than to indulge the #gentrifiers, #rentSeekers, and #speculators, but no.
At least in #Australia the #oligarchs are marching ahead with their destructive, #highrise third-worldisation process.
Most so-called leaders in this country are rentSeekers themselves or sychophants to their #corporateDonors.
#gentrifiers #rentseekers #speculators #australia #oligarchs #highrise #corporateDonors