“When I was teaching #lawSchool, I learned and taught certain #constitutional #principles. When #MajorieTaylorGreene was teaching #CrossFit, she learned a whole different set of values, evidently. Because my idea of what this country should be like is based on the #constitution, and she sees the world differently.” ~Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)
#lawschool #constitutional #principles #majorietaylorgreene #crossfit #constitution #marjorietraitorgreene #MAGA #MAGAcult #impeachment
I might have found a sport I actually enjoy watching: weightlifting...
Passed by the #crossfit box to cheer on some of our locals competing in the Flemish Championships (#VlaamsKampioenschap) #weightlifting. Seriously impressed by what these young people move!
#crossfit #vlaamskampioenschap #weightlifting
Jag bryr mig inte om ifall jag blir smalare när jag tränar. Men jag blir smalare. Är det som kallas WinWin? #crossfit
Today's #Workout
Warm up 1: 1km run
Warm up 2: 3 rounds, with partner
- 20 single unders / plank
- 10 inch worms / hang
- 10 cal row
- cross over single unders
- wall walks (slowly trusting my hands in these, and managing walking a bit towards the wall)
For time: 10 rounds
- 30 cross over single unders kor just single unders)
- 1 wall walk
- 12/10 cal row
- 1 wall walk
Did it in 23:00, including having to rebraid my hair because my elastic fell off.
It was hard not to notice the person next to me skipping reps (and even one full round) 🙃 they were getting on the rower always at the same time as me, finished when I was at round 9.
#CrossfitForYoga #crossfit #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay #Fitness #GymLife
#workout #crossfitforyoga #crossfit #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay #fitness #gymlife
Test Muscle-Ups
For time:
* 30 muscle-ups
Due to ongoing shoulder shite I did a lite version on a barbell low on the rack, to avoid putting addiitonal strain on the shoulder.
#WorkoutOfTheDay #wod #crossfit #crossfitlife #gym #fitness
Es gibt wenig Schöneres als Lunges/Ausfallschritte mit Kurzhanteln auf den Schultern. Mir zittern die Beine. Und das gibt wieder Muskelkater im Allerwertesten. 😂
#CrossFit 🏋🏻♀️
"Sneaky Beaky"
EMOM 20'
* 20 Wall Balls (14/20)
* 20 American Kettlebell Swings (16/24)
* 15 kcal row
* rest
due to shoulder modified to
* 20 med ball squats (20lbs)
* 20 russian kettlebell wsings (20kg)
* 15 kcal row
* rest
Then back squats, 5x3 reps, maxed at 65kg, which is a #PR for me.
#wod #endgame #weightlifting #gym #fitness #CrossfitLife #crossfit #strengthTraining
#WorkoutOfTheDay #pr #wod #endgame #weightlifting #gym #fitness #crossfitlife #crossfit #strengthtraining
Today's #workout
Warm up: 3 rounds
- 150m run
- 18 plank pass through
- 10 russian KB swings
- Pigeon
- Lizard to twisted lizard
- PVC side pass throughs
Practice: clean & jerk
-15 mins to build to a heavy clean & jerk (28kg)
- 6x every 90" (at about 80% of above weight, ended at 25kg): 1 dead lift + 1 clean + 1 hang clean + 1 jerk (no resetting)
For time: 6 rounds
- cal row
- American KB swings (9kg)
- Wall balls (3kg)
Rep scheme: 15 / 9 / 6 / 15 / 9 / 6
Scaled the rowing as per coach directions to 12 / 8 / 6 and ended in 11:20
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #StrengthTraining #Fitness #GymLife #Wod #WorkoutOfTheDay
#workout #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #strengthtraining #fitness #gymlife #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay
Ska åka och träna lite tänkte jag. Ska bara kolla om jag kan få en tvättid innan. #crossfit
Today's #workout
Warmup: 8' AMRAP
- 45" machine (bike/row/ski)
- 4 inchworm to push-up
- 5 burpee broad jump
- 6 hollow-arch-hollow turns
Warm-up 2: 2 rounds empty barbell
- 10 bent over rows
- 10 strict shoulder to overhead
- 10 good morning
PVC practice: power cleans
#WeightLifting Power cleans every 90"
- 3x 3 reps at 75%
- 3x 2 reps at 85%
- 3x 1 rep at 90%
Since I don't know my 1RM I built up to what felt a heavy 3 (28kg) and did 28-31-33,5kg
Death by cardio: For time
- 40/32 cal row
- 30/22 cal bike
- 30/22 cal row
- 20/16 cal bike
- 20/16 cal row
- 10/8 cal bike
Took me 11:21 using an echo bike.
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #WorkoutOfTheDay #Wod #Fitness #StrengthTraining #Cardio #DeathByCardio #GymLife
#workout #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #WorkoutOfTheDay #wod #fitness #strengthtraining #cardio #deathbycardio #gymlife
Signed up for a couple sessions at a local #strongman gym last Friday and had an amazing session. Can’t wait for upcoming improvements there!
Decided to max out my #splitjerk Sunday and PRed by 20 lb / 9kg!
…and tore my hip flexor on Monday doing back #squats 🤦🏻♂️ sad that it means a long break from #crossfit.
#strongman #splitjerk #squats #crossfit
Sigh, bursitis of the right shoulder. Guess I'll have to scale down some #crossfit things.
Today's #workout
- 400m run
then 2 rounds
- 12 tip toe glute bridges
- 20 heel taps (side crunch thingy)
- 10 tuck-crunch
- Pigeon
- bracing practice
- 10L/10R stagger leg good morning
#StrengthTraining Deadlifts (2' rest between sets)
- 5x @ 75% 1RM
- 5x @ 75% 1RM
- 4x @ 80% 1RM
- 3x @ 82% 1RM
- 3x @ 85% 1RM
Cardio hell (for me):
- 150 double unders (did 200 single unders)
- 800m run (scaled to 600m)
- 30 toes to bar (scaled to knee rises)
- 150 double unders (200 single unders)
Died in 15:45.
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #Fitness #GymLife #WeightLifting #Deadlift
#workout #strengthtraining #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #fitness #gymlife #weightlifting #deadlift
#AMRAP 20'
* 5 Pull-Ups
* 10 Push-Ups
* 15 Air Squats
13 rounds and 15 reps, doing jumping pull-ups, barbell push ups and air squats.
#WorkoutOfTheDay #amrap #wod #crossfitlife #endgame #crossfit #fitness #gym
Today's #Workout
#WarmUp: 8 min AMRAP
- 45" machine
- 10 pass throughs
- 5 burpee high jump
- 5 ring row 3" hold at top
- 10 window wiper
- 10 down dog - lunge - twisted lunge
- 30" frog
- 10 thread the needle in frog
#StrengthTraining : Snatch complex: 4 rounds
- 1 hang snatch + 2 power snatch
- 30" rest
- 1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch
- 30" rest
- 2 squat snatch
- 2' rest
Into: 4 rounds of
- 30 sit ups
- 30 tuck crunches (or V-ups if it's your jam)
- 7 push ups
- 7 ring rows (or pull ups, same)
I am so getting a complex complex and soon will need therapy.
#WorkoutOfTheDay #Wod #CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #Fitness #WeightLifting #Conditioning #GymLife
#workout #warmup #mobility #strengthtraining #WorkoutOfTheDay #wod #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #fitness #weightlifting #conditioning #gymlife