WMan22 · @WMan22
23 followers · 603 posts · Server silversword.online

Lately I've been really enjoying Keyboard like and

There's something very satisfying to me about an atmospheric game with a simplistic interface where you set up a perfect chain of events to either cause absolute chaos or simply strategically get rid of a problematic element in a level by willing the event into existence with a terminal interface like you're some kind of technomancer without any actual magic, just a keyboard.

I want more.

#roguelite #games #deadeyedeepfakesimulacrum #duskers

Last updated 1 year ago

spelk :mxlinux: · @spelk
191 followers · 2724 posts · Server linuxrocks.online

If you like that has cool schematic visuals and a command line terminal.. then you might want to give Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum a try.


Theres a demo on (& )



#deadeyedeepfakesimulacrum #gaming #game #linux #steam #itch #videogame #hacking #cyberpunk

Last updated 2 years ago