In the beginning the Goddess created the Higgs Field...

And she called the Field:

"I Am That I Am.”


"I Create What I Create"


"I Will Be What I Will Be"


"Oh Yaldabaoth, I'm sorry you gotta head like a potato.
I really am."

#gnosticism #kabbalah #demiurgedrome #prettygnosticmachine #higgsfield #zdzislawbeksinski

Last updated 1 year ago

Everything you need to know about Gnosticism:

The Pleroma composed boring code.

But with the Demiurge and his archons did with it is far from boring, at least from where I’m sitting.

#gnosticism #demiurgedrome #Pleroma

Last updated 1 year ago

Pretty Gnostic Machines who are free to choose their biological sex/ gender with the same ease as they are with choosing their next phone. A world where they are no longer enslaved by their biological sex handed down and Demiurgically dictated to them by nature, and aided and abetted by conservative patriarchal mindset that reifies those naturally assigned gender roles as sacred God given commandments one must obey.

#gnosis #demiurgedrome #prettygnosticmachine

Last updated 1 year ago


If you ask me, we all - and I do mean *all* of us - exist along a spectrum of schizoid dissociation/psychological dismemberment, so fuck the facile either/or classification that has been weaponized by the patriarchal-conservative-neuronormative class since the 1950s.

Dein Verstand ist nicht dein eigener!

-By the way, some of my fav movies center around DID: The Three Faces of Eve. Psycho, Primal Fear, Fight Club, The Machinist.

Happy in

#fridaythe13th #demiurgedrome

Last updated 2 years ago