Dani Danis · @DaniDanis
288 followers · 10112 posts · Server mstdn.social

I totally missed the news about , but this also reminds me of the way too early and tragic passing of . 💔

#RIP #depressionsucks #malikbendjelloul #rodriguez

Last updated 1 year ago

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August 12, 2023 at 11:59PM
Manifestations of Depression on Social Media: a Content Analysis of Twitter Posts

<h3 class="a-plus-plus">Abstract</h3>
<p class="a-plus-plus">Depression is one of the most common mental health concerns in the USA. Critical to the treatment of depression is the identification of depressive symptoms by individuals and the professionals from whom individuals seek treatment. Symptom identification is made challenging by the diversity of depression symptoms experienced by those who struggle with the disease. The purpose of this study was to examine manifestations of depression as presented in a naturalistic textual forum, Twitter. By using the hashtag “,” the authors examined the things that posters tweeted about that were relevant to experiences of depression in a sample of 169 unique tweets collected over a 4-week period using nCapture. The results of this study demonstrate the nuanced lived experience of Twitter users who experience depression and their public discussion of their depressive symptoms and experiences. The symptoms ranged from acute depression to a mindset of wanting to get better and to support others. These results show the wide range of manifestations of depression and give further insight into how social media can be used to understand lived experiences of those struggling with mental health.</p>
<p><a href="link.springer.com/article/10.1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read the full article ›</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="ifp.nyu.edu/2023/journal-artic">Manifestations of Depression on Social Media: a Content Analysis of Twitter Posts</a> was curated by <a rel="nofollow" href="ifp.nyu.edu">information for practice</a>.</p>

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@psychotherapist @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychiatry

#depressionsucks #psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist #research #academia #university #scholarship #journal #journalarticle #professor

Last updated 1 year ago

I might write a book about two people who become friends. One has cancer and is dying, the other has a depression and wants to die.
Both are jealous of each other and want to switch places.
Who dies in the end? You'll have to read the book to find out.

#depression #notjustsad #depressionsucks

Last updated 1 year ago

What to do when your 's best-before date has long passed, but there is still lots left?

#depression #depressionsucks #notjustsad

Last updated 1 year ago

...for those who are depressed, but still somehow manage to survive.

Or better yet go to the hashtag and try to find some nice words for those who are going through some bad shit right now.
You could really make a difference, or even save a life.

#notjustsad #depression #depressionsucks

Last updated 1 year ago

What you are calling my comfort zone that I'm not willing to come out of, I call hell.

#notjustsad #depression #depressionsucks

Last updated 1 year ago

Note to self.
When feeling down remember the smallest things that make you smile. Hold on to them and make that feeling of happiness grow.


Last updated 1 year ago

Today is not a good day. I'm feeling flat and a bit meh. I hope I perk up as it is Pupout tomorrow.


Last updated 1 year ago

Daddy Dave · @wx1g
479 followers · 7929 posts · Server 4bear.com

@Actionreplay Wow! What a productive day!! I had a "zombie" day.


Last updated 1 year ago

Again I'm having a bad day after therapy. And let me tell you:

Where there's only darkness there is no light.
What doesn't kill you, makes you weaker.
Stand up once, fall down twice.

#mentalhealth #depression #notjustsad #depressionsucks

Last updated 1 year ago

Lisa Quilty Hill · @Quilty
207 followers · 1213 posts · Server mastodon.nu

That is the center console to my suburban. You might ask if my kid is a mechanic? No, he's just incredibly smart. My dials weren't working and he decided to fix it. It's been a hard week, I'm glad he was feeling better today.

#depressionsucks #smartie #ginger #boymom

Last updated 1 year ago

Lisa Quilty Hill · @Quilty
187 followers · 1025 posts · Server mastodon.nu

One of my favorite pictures of my 18-year-old. He just told me that his med provider is taking him off latuda. The thought terrifies me, before latuda he was suicidal. I am hoping for a smooth transition to his new med.

#depressionsucks #MentalHealthSupport #depression #mentalhealthawareness #depressionisreal

Last updated 1 year ago

Das hüpfende Komma · @huepfkomma
113 followers · 545 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Die Depression ist wie ein lähmendes Gift, das den Körper durchströmt aber den Geist nur so weit vernebelt, dass die verlorene Zeit Dir ständig schmerzhaft bewusst ist.

Ich. Hasse. Es. So. Sehr. 😓

#notjustsad #depression #depressionsucks #wiedereinverschenktertag

Last updated 1 year ago

Mickey · @LunarLioness814
96 followers · 796 posts · Server mastodon.social

Well, it's morning. Can't say much more than that. I feel wretched, but going to work beats staying at home right now. Feel free to respond with goofy memes and/or bad jokes. I need something to boost my spirits.

#today #mylifeandwelcometoit #depressionsucks

Last updated 1 year ago

Imagine always having to walk uphill only to end up on rock bottom.

#depression #depressionsucks #notjustsad

Last updated 1 year ago

Monday is a good day to give a little update.

I have started a while ago and started writing my . So a few days ago I did some research on . Aparently there are no psychotherapists in Vienna that offer writing therapy, but I found one coach that does it as a thing you can do besides therapy. She works at an institute with lots of psychiatrists and psychotherapists and since I'm looking for a new psychiatrist and a new therapist I went there to have a talk with one of the psychiatrists.

He was very nice and seemed very competent. He said I had 4 options to improve on my medical treatment. I already take a lot and he said taking more of what I have or exchanging pills with similar one probably won't have any effect. So these are the 4 things he said could help with my therapy-resistent, chronic :

1. Mirtazepin - another pill I'd take in the evening which would improve my situation but make me fat (I'm already fat from taking Seroquel for a while - 30kg more than my target weight)

2. Lithium - would also help, but has a low therapeutic margin, so I'd have to have my blood checked every week to adapt the dose

3. Ketamin - a "party drug" I'd get administered in a hospital where I'd have to stay for a few hours. You usually get a few treatments and then you're good for a while until you need another treatment

4. Electroconvulsive therapy - basically shock treatment that emulates epileptic seizures which are proven to help with depression. This is the most invasive, but also the most promising procedure when it comes to long term effects.

So I decided to go through with electroconvulsive therapy.
I'll have to be administered to the hospital for a few weeks and I don't know when that will be yet.

Also I'll start and the writing coaching in that institute as well as two group therapies soon.

Depression, I'll beat you!

#mentalhealth #therapeuticwriting #autobiography #writingtherapy #depression #psychoanalysis #notjustsad #depressionsucks

Last updated 2 years ago

Isa · @isa
99 followers · 1753 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Do you know the feeling when any kind of communication seems to take too much energy and you just exist in a kind of solitary numb bubble outside of the real world?
What sucks the most is that in those phases, I can't concentrate on reading, either.
Escapism through binge-watching it is, then.


Last updated 2 years ago

There is winter in my mind for 3 years now and there were only a few days where the fog lifted and the sun was out for a few glorious moments.

#depression #depressionsucks

Last updated 2 years ago

Ryan · @codeddragon2023
9 followers · 125 posts · Server mstdn.social

Eating pizza at 2:00 AM and watching videos because of and .

#depressionsucks #Depression #anxiety #YouTube #Gaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Lisa Quilty Hill · @Quilty
141 followers · 795 posts · Server mastodon.nu

My kid hasn't been eating his calorie requirement for one of his depression meds. The calories are required to ensure absorption. That explains why this week has been such a mental break for him.

#depressionsucks #depressionisreal

Last updated 2 years ago