-PS4 Backlog X, ○, △, □-
• #Rage2
• #HomefrontTheRevolution
• #ShenmueIII #Shenmue3
• #Biomutant
• #Godfall
• #DeusExMankindDivided
• #MetroRedux #Metro2033 #MetroLastLight
• #Nioh & #Nioh2
• #Doom3
• #StarWarsSquadrons
• #MassEffectLegendaryEdition
#MassEffectLegendaryEdition #StarWarsSquadrons #doom3 #Nioh2 #nioh #metrolastlight #metro2033 #metroredux #deusexmankinddivided #GodFall #BIOMUTANT #shenmue3 #shenmueiii #homefronttherevolution #rage2
I just finished #DeusExMankindDivided.
It was a good game. I liked how many options there were to accomplish things throughout the game, both with and without killing. The level design was quite good that way.
I also enjoyed the story, though it ending on a cliff hanger without a follow up game is disappointing.
Overall I give it a 4/5.
#deusexmankinddivided #steam #videogames
I am working my way through some of my #Steam #VideoGames that I have never got around to playing. After finishing Mad Max the other day, I started #DeusExMankindDivided tonight. I enjoyed #DeusExHumanRevolution, so here is hoping I also enjoy MD.
Despite my rig being relatively high powered for a game that came out in 2016 (Ryzen 5800x, Radeon 5700xt, and 64gb of Ram) it sure doesn't perform all that well. Certainly not the consistent 140 to 150 fps at 1440p I was getting on Mad Max.
#steam #videogames #deusexmankinddivided #deusexhumanrevolution
Top 5 #VideoGame #music picks:
1. The Last of Us (#TheLastOfUs #tlou #GustavoSantaolalla #PlayStation)
2. Horizon Zero Dawn (#HorizonZeroDawn #hzd #JorisDeMan #JulieElven #PlayStation)
3. Stardew Valley (#StardewValley #sdv #ConcernedApe #NintendoSwitch #PC)
4. Command and Conquer / Red Alert games (#CommandAndConquer #RedAlert #RedAlert2 #FrankKlepacki #PC)
5. Halo games (#Halo #Halo3 #MartinODonnell #MichaelSalvatori #Xbox #Xbox360 #XboxOne #XBOne #xb #xb360 #xb1)
And because I've gotta have a sixth:
6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (#DeusExHumanRevolution #dxhr #DeusExMankindDivided #dxmd #MichaelMcCann #PC)
#videogame #music #thelastofus #tlou #playstation #horizonzerodawn #hzd #jorisdeman #julieelven #stardewvalley #sdv #concernedape #nintendoswitch #pc #commandandconquer #redalert #RedAlert2 #frankklepacki #halo #halo3 #martinodonnell #michaelsalvatori #xbox #xbox360 #xboxone #xbone #xb #xb360 #xb1 #DeusExHumanRevolution #dxhr #deusexmankinddivided #dxmd #michaelmccann #nowplaying #gaming #videogames #soundtrack #gustavosantaolalla