Adoptees Unite · @adopteesunite
34 followers · 4 posts · Server

Hello! We are Adoptees Unite. A non-profit focused on supporting adoptees by ensuring they are in a safe, welcoming, and connected community by talking about topics like identity, belonging, and mental health!

You can become a member by joining our discord, Instagram, or visiting our website:

Happy chatting!! 🥳💕

#internationaladoptee #domesticadoptees #adoption #transracialadoptees #adoptee #adopteevoices #adopted #adoptees #adopteecentric

Last updated 2 years ago

ishe · @ishe
40 followers · 114 posts · Server

Good evening !

Wondering if other have experienced being asked if you are of a specific ethnic | cultural origin? And more importantly, upon responding something to the effect of "I don't know my family history" were you then further harassed with insistence that you MUST be what they think because you fit a stereotype?

It's rare. But can be frightening. Thoughts? What did or do you do under such circumstances?

#domesticadoptees #adopteevoices

Last updated 2 years ago