Les accords toltèques – Don Miguel Ruiz
Castaneda a fait découvrir au grand public les enseignements des chamans mexicains qui ont pour origine la tradition toltèque, gardienne des connaissances de Quetzacoatl, le serpent à plumes. Dans ce livre, Don Miguel révèle la source des croyances limi-tatrices qui nous privent d
#Personnalité #Livres #Comprendre #Developpementpersonnel #DonMiguelRuiz #Lecture #Livres #Personnalités #Philosophie
#personnalite #livres #comprendre #developpementpersonnel #donmiguelruiz #lecture #personnalites #philosophie
“El amor es desconocido. Abrir el corazón en confianza es desconocido. Dicen que el amor duele. No tiene que hacerlo. #DonMiguelRuíz
Decided tonight is a good time for another round of #3GoodThings, the Twitter edition:
1. I once had a young woman call my listed number after she found me on Twitter, from many time zones away, to tell me how inspired she was by my holistic work in green building, and asked me for career advice. I loved that. It’s happened a few times actually.
2. I had a young petrochemical engineer in the Middle East find me on Twitter, and he asked about fracking and the challenges with it. It wasn’t a defensive conversation but rather, an interested one. He thanked me for my work in writing about fracking.
3. I was followed by Don Miguel Ruiz (I loved that) and also Marie Kondo; she wrote back to me (and I loved that too). A famous baseball player (who? I have no idea) and I wrote back and forth about his VW van for a while.
I had over 12k Twitter followers at one point and those are the top interactions I remember. I’ve had many more than this on Mastodon in the past 2-3 weeks of my involvement and with fewer people. I appreciate Twitter for those memorable interactions; I’m even more excited for the smaller and more intimate community growing here on Mastodon.
#3goodthings #appreciation #greenbuilding #fracking #donmiguelruiz #MarieKondo