Happy Pride Month to City of #Monterey Mayor Tyller Williamson, the first openly gay mayor of Monterey. Tyller is also a cofounder of #MontereyPeninsula #Pride.
We love it that the mayor and some Monterey City Council members regularly #bike to Council meetings.
Learn more about Mayor Williamson and Council members: https://www.monterey.org/city_hall/city_council/meet_the_mayor_and_council.php
Among those is one we are meeting with this afternoon to discuss—naturally!—bicycling-related issues. That's Gino Garcia, who is employed by #EcologyAction of #SantaCruz, a contractor for #Transportation Agency for #MontereyCounty. Among Gino's work assignments: TAMC's #SafeRoutesToSchool program.
#monterey #montereypeninsula #pride #bike #ecologyaction #santacruz #transportation #montereycounty #saferoutestoschool #BikeTooter