In bicicletta al tempio di Delfi #Alculminedelladisperazione #Lapersuasioneelarettorica #Fascinazionedellacenere #CarloMichelstaedter #Recensioni #EmilCioran #nichilismo #Zibaldone #Leopardi #Beckett
#Beckett #leopardi #Zibaldone #nichilismo #emilcioran #recensioni #CarloMichelstaedter #Fascinazionedellacenere #Lapersuasioneelarettorica #Alculminedelladisperazione
#EmilCioran: "Destruction and explosion of syntax, victory of ambiguity and approximation. All very well. But just try to draw up a will, and you'll see if the defunct rigor was so contemptible" (The Trouble with Being Born, p. 153).
#EmilCioran: Philosophical jargon is "a pseudo-language which, attempting to reflect ideas, merely assumes a contour at their expense, merely denatures and darkens them, merely calls attention to itself" (The Trouble with Being Born, p. 48).
“If I could, I would choose every day another form, plant or animal, I would be all the flowers one by one: weed, thistle or rose; a tropical tree with a tangle of branches, seaweed cast by the shore, or mountain whipped by winds; bird of prey, a croaking bird, or a bird with a melodious song; beast of the forest or tame animal..."
When we are a thousand miles away from poetry, we still participate in it by that sudden need to scream—the last stage of lyricism.
-- Emil Cioran