Aye yo check it out, this pic is the bees knees!
#literally & #figuratively
#BeesKnees #Bumblebee #bloomscrolling #echinacea #PurpleConeflowers #coneflowers
#literally #figuratively #beesknees #bumblebee #bloomscrolling #echinacea #purpleconeflowers #coneflowers
@Byronrabbit @RainCityBunnies @Satori @thegreatrabbit
I've always loved the -or / -ix male/female thing. Not sure why. Sounds exotic?
And ya, misuses like that bug me too. I was taught to check how it sounds when you remove the "<other> and". In this case, "gave it to I", which is more obviously wrong.
But there are bigger fights worth fighting. I will die on this hill before I accept #millennials' insistence that "literally" means "figuratively".
#millennials #literally #figuratively #argh
Everyone's inability to plan becomes my rush job. #work #tired #milestogo #figuratively
#work #tired #milestogo #figuratively