
Hmm, but the by types is enabled by types and goes on unabated until the names of said gets released and their behaviour changes dramatically due to the 24/7/365 ACTIVE Feedback loop type Surveillance that, 800Mhx-1kHz cone of non stop AI's audio harassment plus physical torture at night ... Let's then know.... Hmm.

#gangstalking #ci #meta #fb #whatsapp #instagram #gangstalkers

Last updated 1 year ago

So was digging back on my timeline during the and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a β„’ angle as well as a component of a shady who is well known in the , who is now working with for Todd. Hi Todd! πŸ‘‹

So, I did a traceback on this that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.

Use of client

using who organized a coordinated effort to harass me while I worked for .

β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹ by β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹


#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #metabrigades #gangstalkers #ciscosystems #infosec_jcp

Last updated 1 year ago

So was digging back on my timeline during the and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a β„’ angle as well as a component of a shady who is well known in the , who is now working with for Todd. Hi Todd! πŸ‘‹

So, I did a traceback on this that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.

Use of client

using who organized a coordinated effort to harass me while I worked for .

β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹ by β˜£οΈπŸ‘‹


#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #metabrigades #gangstalkers #ciscosystems #infosec_jcp

Last updated 1 year ago

Updates πŸ˜ƒπŸ±

πŸ–• @meta


Last updated 2 years ago

This video sums up 2020 -2022 nicely for me wise in the search for a . 😐

2023 will be much better for me than 2020-2022 due to the ⚑ winding down. ⚑

#experience #fulltimejob #meta #facebook #gangstalkers #investigations

Last updated 2 years ago


Deleted mine in 2004. That's just a site for and 😐

#malware #gangstalkers #pedos

Last updated 2 years ago

We Can Be Gyros · @WecanbeGyros
168 followers · 2664 posts · Server mstdn.social

It should be a crime to fail to report; fail to prosecute a fellow law enforcement officer when breaking a law or code, with penal and civil ($$$) remedies. Easily enforceable today with surveillance tools law enforcement use on civilians + metrics used by many employers.

#Corruption #gangstalkers #ACAB #freshtake

Last updated 2 years ago