Bellissimo incipit con un brano notevole (nell'ormai lontano #2004) dei #GlassHammer.
Un gruppo che IMHO ha avuto una produzione molto ondivaga come qualità , ma alcuni pezzi sono davvero degni di nota e non possono mancare nel carniere del bravo cacciatore di #prog 😉
#mastoradio #mastoprog #mastomusic
#glasshammer #prog #mastoradio #mastoprog #mastomusic #progressive #progressiverock #progrock #soclosesofar #shadowlands
I think it's going to be a #GlassHammer day at work as far as music goes. Chronomonaut and then their recent trilogy.
And then I'll probably go back and listen to my favorite two albums of theirs, On To Evermore and Shadowlands.
I think it's going to be a #GlassHammer day at work as far as music goes. Chronomonaut and then their recent trilogy.
And then I'll probably go back and listen to my favorite two albums of theirs, On To Evermore and Shadowlands.
@Dianepatterson I bet none of them play "Longer" by #GlassHammer: