@cicciofritz @filippodb Ti assicuro che la differenza di prezzo è quasi sempre abnorme. Su certe categorie di prodotto, ovviamente, non su tutte. Ma per esempio su #Notebook, #Server e #Thinclient ti assicuro che conviene da morire (a tutti) e non è (solo) #greewashing.
#notebook #server #thinclient #greewashing
#Agropalma of #Brazil are an #RSPO member. They have been allowed to continue with #humanrights abuses #deforestation and #landgrabbing in #SouthAmerica for #palmoil, which is then sold to supermarket brands and on to consumers as being "sustainable".
"Sustainable" #palmoil is #greewashing. Help the #animals every time you shop and be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/11/30/amazon-palm-global-brands-continue-to-source-palm-oil-from-amazon-destroyers-agropalma-bbf/
#Agropalma #brazil #RSPO #humanrights #deforestation #Landgrabbing #southamerica #palmoil #greewashing #animals #vegan #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Humm... Parler de communication sur le changement climatique avec Meta en réalité virtuelle mais sur place... Ça laisse rêveur (ou perplexe)(ou même halluciné)(voir énervé en fait...)