Here's my new #playlist of 20 songs for your week. It has old favourites & newly discovered #music
Music ft. Jazz legends in tracks by #SteelyDan #SimpleMinds #PiL #ScrittiPolitti #ElvisCostello + songs from the film #GrossPointeBlank: #Queen #GunsNRoses #TheSpecials #TheClash Some new stuff from #UMO & #Orbital. Plus #Pulp in tribute to Steve Mackey who we sadly lost last week
Please take a listen, follow & boost if that's your bag
#playlist #music #SteelyDan #simpleminds #PIL #scrittipolitti #elviscostello #grosspointeblank #queen #GunsNRoses #TheSpecials #TheClash #umo #orbital #pulp #nowplaying #AlskisTootPlaylist
10 #Movies to #GetToKnowMe
1. Anything #KevinSmith
2. All things #JohnCandy
3. #IndianaJones
4. #Fridaythe13th
5. #007
6. #Speed
7. #RearWindow
8. #SecretWindow
9. #Marvel #MCU
10. Anything #RobinWilliams
Bonus: #BigTroubleInLittleChina
Didn't even cover #Rambo #Rocky #Ghostbusters #JohnWick #ZachBraff in #GardenState #LastKiss directed by #TonyGoldwyn who was hilarious in #Kuffs and most #JohnCusack #SayAnything #GrossPointeBlank #HighFidelity
This could go all night...What are yours?
#movies #gettoknowme #kevinsmith #johncandy #indianajones #fridaythe13th #speed #rearwindow #Secretwindow #marvel #mcu #robinwilliams #bigtroubleinlittlechina #rambo #rocky #ghostbusters #johnwick #zachbraff #gardenstate #lastkiss #tonygoldwyn #kuffs #johncusack #sayanything #grosspointeblank #highfidelity