Polydactyl cats (a cat with 1-2 extra toes on their paws) have this as a result of a genetic mutation. These cats are also referred to as “🐈” because writer Ernest reportedly owned dozens of them at his home in Key West, .


#hemingwaycats #Hemingway #florida #randomfact #facts #cat

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Hoelscher · @timhoelscherx
64 followers · 68 posts · Server masthead.social

While I was in Florida we visited Hemingway’s house. Best part was the cats, but I realized while I was there that I didn’t remember reading much Hemingway. I downloaded The Sun Also Rises for the plane. I recall Hemingway not really resonating with me, but that was way back in high school. We’ll see how I feel now

#hemingwaycats #cats #readingcommunity #hemingway

Last updated 2 years ago