Don? DT, are you out there, are you awake? I think I found your file.
Does this sound like your plan?
First we go in, and bam! Then, I build some luxury hotels with my name on them, before moving onto Golf Courses with the BIGGEST SAND TRAPS IN THE WORLD! Then, when the market flattens, we build a chain of POTUS Fried Chicken outlets, with gold buckets with my face on them. Then, Iran gets jealous...
#classified #noclass #highclassinborrowedshoes
Here's my essay on #CanadianRock #1970s band #MaxWebster and their 1977 album, #HighClassInBorrowedShoes. Read for FREE on #Substack. #GreatAlbums1970s
#greatalbums1970s #substack #highclassinborrowedshoes #maxwebster #1970s #canadianrock