Off tonight to introduce Károly Makk's wonderful film at the local embassy, Love (Szerelem), one of the great film of Hungarian cinema. Set in mid-1950s Hungary, it's about love in the time of politics and how it ultimately triumphs. A wonderful example of how Hungarian film makers had to steer their creativity through layers of censorship. It won the Jury Prize at Cannes. If you get a chance to watch it sometime, do so.
#hungary #hungariancinema #love #szerelem #makk
Se "Novecento", come affermò Bernardo Bertolucci, è un film psicologico sul fascismo, allora il film di Zoltán Fábri è un manuale di psicologia sul fascismo...
#ZoltánFábri #zoltanfabri #ilquintosigillo #Azötödikpecsét #thefifthseal #LajosÖze #LászlóMárkus #SándorHorváth #FerencBencze #IstvánDégi #FerencSánta #GyörgyVukán #cinemaungherese #hungariancinema #cinema #movies #movie #bosch #hieronymusbosch #film #fascismo #ww2 #antifascismo
#zoltanfabri #ilquintosigillo #azotodikpecset #thefifthseal #lajosoze #laszlomarkus #sandorhorvath #ferencbencze #istvandegi #ferencsanta #gyorgyvukan #cinemaungherese #hungariancinema #cinema #movies #movie #bosch #hieronymusbosch #film #fascismo #WW2 #antifascismo
@watchmovies Excellent news. I am glad to see his films get the respect they deserve with such a restoration. Will definitely be buying this.
@kyonshi Great photo! Reminds of this scene for Béla Tarr's 'Kárhozat/Damnation'
#BelaTarr #damnation #karhozat #hungariancinema
Set in a barren landscape in an unrelenting windstorm, the film follows the daily routine of an old man & his daughter in almost real time. What is said to be Bela Tarr's last film, Turin Horse is a bleak vision of apocalypse. The preface of the film explains Nietzsche's breakdown & decline after seeing a horse being thrashed and throwing his arms around the beast and sobbing. Beast of Burden. Very Biblegorical. Very Bresson. Tarr paints humanity's end in grim silence. #BélaTarr #hungariancinema
Shots of burning embers, budding flowers, lock of hair, frozen leaves take residences in Sinbad, Hungarian filmmaker Zoltan Huszárik's take on Arabian Nights via Gyula Krúdy, stars Zoltán Latinovitz as the aging womanizer Sinbad. This fragmented, lyrical film jumps time, place and seasons to reflect Sinbad's mind state as he reminisces his conquests and contemplates his life. It's a playful feast for the eyes.
#hungariancinema #zoltanhuszárik #film #sinbad
#hungariancinema #zoltanhuszarik #film #sinbad
Werkmeister Harmonies (2001) - Bela Tarr
#hungariancinema #belatarr #adaptation #themelancholyofresistance #laszlokrasznahorkai
#hungariancinema #adaptation #themelancholyofresistance #laszlokrasznahorkai #belatarr
The delicious juxtaposition of being a brilliant neurosurgeon where she can diagnose and eliminate illness of the brain which affects both body & mind and letting the whim of her own heart set the course for the unknown is ahem, what's at the heart of the film.
Preparations to be Together for Unknown Period of Time seduced me visually like no other film in recent years. Watching the movie reminded me of the feeling I got from watching Kieslowski films, long ago. #hungariancinema #lilihorvat