#IndieAuthorNews #News #AcademyofAmericanPoets #CLMP #CommunityofLiteraryMagazinesandPresses #Funding #IndustryStatistics #Nonprofit #Poetry #UnitedStates
CLMP Names US Literary Publishers’ ‘Capacity-Building’ Grants
The Community of Literary Magazines and Presses grants are supported by the late Drue Heinz's Hawthornden Foundation.
The post CLMP Names US Literary Publ...
#indieauthornews #news #academyofamericanpoets #clmp #communityofliterarymagazinesandpresses #funding #industrystatistics #nonprofit #poetry #unitedstates
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Catalan #ChildrensBooks #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Fiction #FILI #Finland #France #FrankfurtBookFair #GuestofHonor #Illustration #IndustryStatistics #LiteraryAgents
Rights Roundup: A New Trade Report From Finland
Our first Rights Roundup of the new year features work originally written in Finnish, Catalan, French, Swedish, Italian, and Czech.
The post Rights Roundup: A New Trade...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #catalan #childrensbooks #coronavirus #covid19 #fiction #fili #finland #france #frankfurtbookfair #guestofhonor #illustration #industrystatistics #literaryagents
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #IoLeggoPerch #AssociazioneItalianaEditori #ChildrensBooks #IndustryStatistics #Italy #NanaLohrengel #RicardoFrancoLevi #ScuolaperLibraiUmbertoeElisabettaMauri
In Italy: Remembering Publisher Achille Mauri
The Italian and international publishing industries remember Achille Mauri while celebrating a record result from #ioleggoperché.
The post In Italy: Remembering Publi...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #ioleggoperch #associazioneitalianaeditori #childrensbooks #industrystatistics #italy #nanalohrengel #ricardofrancolevi #scuolaperlibraiumbertoeelisabettamauri #ioleggoperche
#IndieAuthorNews #News #Bestsellers #BookSales #Fiction #HolidaySales #IndustryStatistics #KristenMcLean #Nonfiction #NPD #NPDBookScan #Print #UnitedStates #YearEnd
US Bestsellers and Book Sales in 2022: Second-Highest at NPD
NPD Bookscan reports US print book sales rose 12 percent and has published a list of the top print bestsellers in 2022.
The post US Bestsellers and Book Sal...
#indieauthornews #news #bestsellers #booksales #fiction #holidaysales #industrystatistics #kristenmclean #nonfiction #npd #npdbookscan #print #unitedstates #yearend
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Audible #Audio #Audiobooks #DigitalPublishing #IndustryStatistics #JavierCelaya #Mexico #Podimo #Spain #Spanish #SpanishLanguage #Storytel
Sonic Boom: Spanish-Language Audiobooks Are Soaring
Between 2017 and the end of 2022, Javier Celaya says, the field of Spanish-language audio providers has grown from 15 to more than 60.
The post Sonic Boom: Spanish-Languag...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #audible #audio #audiobooks #digitalpublishing #industrystatistics #javiercelaya #mexico #podimo #spain #spanish #spanishlanguage #storytel