New module : Rhythm analysis in advanced life support
This great new Osler module reviews the interpretation of the cardiac rhythm in the context of cardiac arrest and resuscitation.
Perfect for beginners or as a refresher
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At first, I found it hard to get my head around citrate anticoagulation for CRRT. I built a module to help others understand what I learned
Hope you find it helpful too
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#MedMastodon #medtwitter #crrt #CriticalCare #intensivecare #intensivecarenurse #intensivecaremedicine #intensivist #ICU #icunurse #Renal #dialysis #citrate
I've just posted another journal review, this time on the TEAM trial.
This study looked at the efficacy of aggressive early mobilisation on the long term outcomes of critically ill patients.
What do you think of the paper?
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#MedMastodon #medtwitter #FOAMed #FOAMcc #ICU #intensivist #intensivecare #icunurse #icurn #intensivecarenurse