JKRowling: you can't be a woman if you were born as male.

Also JKRowling


Last updated 1 year ago

Gwen The Red Moss · @Gwendolyn
546 followers · 1260 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

Hrm. So I listened to the two available episodes and... I'm sad? Not like, negatively affected sad, but like... I feel pity. The two episodes are honestly pretty "no lies detected" for the most part. Anyone who's given the podcast 1 star is just hating on it for the sake of hating it... at least right now.

The first episode details her earlier life. Losing her mother. Her abusive husband.

The second tears into evangelical Christians.

Honestly, there's not a lot to disagree with. And that's got my inner Chess player bracing, because looking ahead several moves, if this plays out how I think it will, will be sinister.

Start with obviously terrible targets. People the majority of people will agree are absurd, then let the two episodes sit there for a bit and let people get on board. Then, once everyone's on board, slowly slide trans people into that slot and create this (non-existent) connection between trans people and book burning Christians and abusive men.

It was a frustrating listen. I was constantly thinking that she's so close to getting it, but she's wrapped herself so tightly in her victimhood that she can't see that she's becoming everything she hates.

I'll keep listening. I'm curious to see if I'm right about the direction this is going.

Oh, and just in case you want to boycott the brands advertising on the podcast, I'm sure you'll be very broken up to drop Moinkbox, stamps.com, and NetSuite.

#trans #jkrowlingisaTERF #terf #harrypotter

Last updated 1 year ago

Sini Tuulia · @sinituulia
370 followers · 716 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

I really really hate when something completely innocuous and wholesome, in this case a video about wetlands restoration of all things, for no reason at all throws in a Harry Potter reference. I understand that The Straights may not have necessarily heard about JKR and do my best to succinctly explain it every time (perhaps the overall population will reach sufficient saturation eventually and it's work off somebody else's back) but by then the video, book etc. has already been kind of ruined and there's the niggling doubt of whether those people were ignorant, dismissive or just plain hateful.

Just fucking let the IP die. No more memes, no more clips, no more references. Let it go.

#transphobia #jkrowlingisaTERF #harrypotter

Last updated 2 years ago

Keine A49 · @keinea49
596 followers · 5844 posts · Server todon.nl

[3/3] Dieser gequirlten Scheiße, die sie verzapft, wollen wir uns klar entgegenstellen.
Lasst uns queere Perspektiven in unseren KlimaGfight miteinbeziehen, da
haben wir selber noch sehr viel an uns zu arbeiten.

#jkrowlingisaTERF #fightthecistem

Last updated 4 years ago

The Book of Kels · @Nezchan
650 followers · 12420 posts · Server wandering.shop

A TERF "ally" in the wild, displaying the famed honesty and intellectual rigour we've come to expect.

#transphobia #jkrowling #jkrowlingisaTERF

Last updated 4 years ago