Why did #KlausFiedler show in-group bias as editor of #Pop?
Maybe science has the answer.
According to his own research, in-group bias is more likely to occur when you are in a good mood and don;t care about the outgroup.
Seems a plausible explanation to me.
#KlausFiedler #APS
I edited the page. Feel free to make more changes. I haven't edited wikipedia in a while and it was a pain to get the references right.
#KlausFiedler resigned from #PerspectivesOnPsychologicalScience
In related news: Klaus Fielder was awarded a medal of honor from the heterodox academy.
#klausfiedler #perspectivesonpsychologicalscience
Not everybody feels comfortable to comment publicly about #KlausFiedler. Somebody who knows him called him stubborn, which ironically translates to #Dickkopf in German. I think that word describes his behavior pretty well.
Three controversial articles in PoPS. A bad start for #KlausFiedler
Which one is the worst?
1. Too Good to Be True: Bots and Bad Data From Mechanical Turk
2. Dealing with diversity in psychology: Science or ideology?
3. A Review of Multisite Replication Projects in Social Psychology: Is It Viable to Sustain Any Confidence in Social Psychology’s Knowledge Base?